From: "shadoe" <
[email protected]>
| HouseCalls found this on my computer and couldn't delete it because it said
| it was "in use"
| What can I do, Please Help?
| shadoe
1) Dump the contents of your IE cache -
Start --> settings --> control panel --> Internet options --> delete files
2) Dump the contents of your Sun Java cache -
Start --> settings --> control panel --> Java applet --> cache --> clear
Start --> settings --> control panel --> Java applet --> general --> settings -->
delete files
3) Download the following two items...
Trend Sysclean Package
Latest Trend signature files.
Create a directory.
On drive "C:\"
(e.g., "c:\New Folder")
or the desktop
(e.g., "C:\Documents and Settings\lipman\Desktop\New Folder")
Download SYSCLEAN.COM and place it in that directory.
Download the Trend Pattern File by obtaining the ZIP file.
For example;
Extract the contents of the ZIP file and place the contents in the same directory as
4) Disable System Restore
5) Reboot your PC into Safe Mode then shutdown as many applications as possible.
6) Using the Trend Sysclean utility, perform a Full Scan of your platform and
clean/delete any infectors found
7) Restart your PC and perform a "final" Full Scan of your platform
8) Re-enable System Restore and re-apply any System Restore preferences,
(e.g. HD space to use suggested 400 ~ 600MB),
9) Reboot your PC.
10) Create a new Restore point
* * Please report back your results * *