New Orleans Novice
Java on IE 7.x
How did you make Java work on IE 7.x? It quit working when IE was upgraded
from 6.x to 7.x
Just for the heck of it, I tried checking my Vista box for viruses using a
few other more popular online Antivirus scanners - Symantec's, Panda
Software's and Trend Micro's. At this point, Symantec and Panda's would not
even load. Got various errors with loading the ActiveX components. Then I
got to Trend Micro's scanner. It requires Java runtime to work and it
provided a link to Sun's website to get the latest and greatest Java 2
runtime. I downloaded and installed it.
Java required a restart of IE - so I closed all open IE windows and after
the install was complete, opened up Trend's site and attempted to get things
rolling. After getting past the ActiveX plug in install, it attempted to
download files needed to do the scan. Well...After about 1000 odd clicks
(sorry, I didn't exactly count them) on the dialog saying there was an error
and was asking if I'd like to continue, I gave up on trying to get this
I figured, ok. These aren't ready for prime time, IE 7.x and / or / XP or
Vista. I closed IE.
A few minutes later, I tried opening IE without success. The main bulk of
the IE window opened, though the icon in the upper left corner was a
standard unknown program icon. The address bar was blank - empty. The tab
heading likewise - empty. Not even restarting the computer got it working.
The only fix was to uninstall Java entirely.
How did you make Java work on IE 7.x? It quit working when IE was upgraded
from 6.x to 7.x
Just for the heck of it, I tried checking my Vista box for viruses using a
few other more popular online Antivirus scanners - Symantec's, Panda
Software's and Trend Micro's. At this point, Symantec and Panda's would not
even load. Got various errors with loading the ActiveX components. Then I
got to Trend Micro's scanner. It requires Java runtime to work and it
provided a link to Sun's website to get the latest and greatest Java 2
runtime. I downloaded and installed it.
Java required a restart of IE - so I closed all open IE windows and after
the install was complete, opened up Trend's site and attempted to get things
rolling. After getting past the ActiveX plug in install, it attempted to
download files needed to do the scan. Well...After about 1000 odd clicks
(sorry, I didn't exactly count them) on the dialog saying there was an error
and was asking if I'd like to continue, I gave up on trying to get this
I figured, ok. These aren't ready for prime time, IE 7.x and / or / XP or
Vista. I closed IE.
A few minutes later, I tried opening IE without success. The main bulk of
the IE window opened, though the icon in the upper left corner was a
standard unknown program icon. The address bar was blank - empty. The tab
heading likewise - empty. Not even restarting the computer got it working.
The only fix was to uninstall Java entirely.