Windows XP Java Downloads


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Should I be regularly downloading Java updates?

Any advice appreciated.
its like any updates. Worth doing because they either fix problems, improve/add features and most importantly plug security holes.

So yes, i would.
murdoch said:
Depends if you run Java applications or not?

I keep getting messages telling me that downloads are now ready so I assume that I run Java applications. There is a Java folder in Program Files. What does it do exactly?
it allows you to run Java based applications, most commonly used for interactive content on the internet. Java's basically a programming language and requires the runtime to be installed on your PC to enable code to be executed. Hense it being installed on your PC. Keep it installed and it keep it up to date or you may notice that the internet becomes a whole lot less interactive.
Techy said:
it allows you to run Java based applications, most commonly used for interactive content on the internet. Java's basically a programming language and requires the runtime to be installed on your PC to enable code to be executed. Hense it being installed on your PC. Keep it installed and it keep it up to date or you may notice that the internet becomes a whole lot less interactive.

Thanks for that Techy, I'll certainly keep the downloads going.
I've just thought of another question. I have another old system, about 5 years old, and I can't remember seeing anything on it regarding Java. Is it possible to download Java onto this system? Will it cause any harm? Is it advisable?

That's three questions, not one.