I have created a ASP.NET Web Service using Visual Studio 2008 and
given Application property which declares that Web Service is .NET
Framework 2.0 combatile. I have used Internet Exporer to get wsdl file
and I have saved it into file system.
When creating proxy classes in Java side (wsimport and JDK 6.0 or
Netbean 6.5.1), java tool throws warning like: [WARNING] SOAP port
uses a non-standard SOAP 1.2 binding.
That wsdl imports xmldsig-core-schema.xsd for XML Signature but when
creating .NET client with wsdl generated proxy everything seems to
work allright.
Because this is not a WCF Web Service I haven't got any exotic
bindings etc.
So can anyone have ideas what could cause this warning?
Br Uli
I have created a ASP.NET Web Service using Visual Studio 2008 and
given Application property which declares that Web Service is .NET
Framework 2.0 combatile. I have used Internet Exporer to get wsdl file
and I have saved it into file system.
When creating proxy classes in Java side (wsimport and JDK 6.0 or
Netbean 6.5.1), java tool throws warning like: [WARNING] SOAP port
uses a non-standard SOAP 1.2 binding.
That wsdl imports xmldsig-core-schema.xsd for XML Signature but when
creating .NET client with wsdl generated proxy everything seems to
work allright.
Because this is not a WCF Web Service I haven't got any exotic
bindings etc.
So can anyone have ideas what could cause this warning?
Br Uli