I have to devlope a windows application with general functionality of
Web Service Interaction, Office Integration and reporting. My
expertise is both in dot net and Java(Only Web application). Now my
Organisation ask me to develope a Window application and the left the
choice to me to choose the technolgy (either java or dot net).
Can any body tell me which technology I should opt?
I know few things about windows technology like I need to use swing
for form design but I don,t know about reporting tool in Java. Please
help me to make a decision in this dilema.
Please let me know if any specific feature of dot net which can help
me in this kind of application.
I have to devlope a windows application with general functionality of
Web Service Interaction, Office Integration and reporting. My
expertise is both in dot net and Java(Only Web application). Now my
Organisation ask me to develope a Window application and the left the
choice to me to choose the technolgy (either java or dot net).
Can any body tell me which technology I should opt?
I know few things about windows technology like I need to use swing
for form design but I don,t know about reporting tool in Java. Please
help me to make a decision in this dilema.
Please let me know if any specific feature of dot net which can help
me in this kind of application.