Yesterday an automatic update of Java was installed on my computer. Since
that time, I've been unable to play any of the online games that were played
with the previous version of Java (specifically on Pogo and Yahoo). I have
uninstalled and reinstalled Java several times without luck.
In trying to diagnose what's wrong, I came upon a way to ensure that Java is
enabled and working. However, it says to go to IE (I have version 7) ->
tools->manage add-ons->enable/disable add-ons. It also says to make sure the
"Show" drop-down menu is set to "add-ons currently loaded". I do not get a
"show drop down menu. Is there something wrong with IE?
I guess I have 3 questions: (1) can anyone help me with Java? (2) Is there
something wrong with IE that I can't see the add-on list? (3) Would doing a
"system restore" back to the point before the update was installed fix this
problem or would I further complicate the situation?
Thank you for whatever help you can give. I'm a total novice here.
that time, I've been unable to play any of the online games that were played
with the previous version of Java (specifically on Pogo and Yahoo). I have
uninstalled and reinstalled Java several times without luck.
In trying to diagnose what's wrong, I came upon a way to ensure that Java is
enabled and working. However, it says to go to IE (I have version 7) ->
tools->manage add-ons->enable/disable add-ons. It also says to make sure the
"Show" drop-down menu is set to "add-ons currently loaded". I do not get a
"show drop down menu. Is there something wrong with IE?
I guess I have 3 questions: (1) can anyone help me with Java? (2) Is there
something wrong with IE that I can't see the add-on list? (3) Would doing a
"system restore" back to the point before the update was installed fix this
problem or would I further complicate the situation?
Thank you for whatever help you can give. I'm a total novice here.