java 1.3 on .NET

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Is there any way to compile java under .NET where it uses java 1.3 run-time
library calls? I have all the source so I can re-compile everything. But the
source uses a lot of java 1.3 library calls. (A LOT.)

I think you misunderstood my problem. It's not that I need to call the java
run-time from C#. It's that I have a large java program that I need to
compile for .NET so I can call that program from C#. But that large program
uses a lot of java 1.3 run-time methods.

thanks - dave
Hi Dave,

From your description, you've a existing java application which is
originally compiled under JDK1.3 and is wondering whether it's possible to
compile it directly under .net framework so as to run under .net
enviroment, yes?

If so, I'm afraid the java code you have can't be directly compiled against
net framework since it's not a language supported by the .net. We need to
convert the whole application to another language which is supproted by the
net. Such as C# , VB.NET or J#.

And here is some tech article on this:

#Moving Java Applications to .NET

#Migrating Java Developers

Hope helps. If still anything unclear, please feel free to post here.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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Yes - that's it.

I tried J# but it's run-time library is 1.1.4 and I need 1.3. And converting
to C# would be a nightmare.

At the moment we just run the java app under java 1.3 and call it from C#
via TCP. I'm guessing that remains our best option.

thanks - dave
Thanks for the response Dave,

Yes, actually speaking , we should always think J# is a .net language (just
like C# or VB.NET), which is totally different thing from the java. And
the J# version 1.1.4 is the version of the .net runtime rather the language
version, and the java's version 1.3 is the jdk's version. So they're also
two different things.

Also, if you can't migrate your whole application to .net currently, I also
think the means you're using now( via TCP communication) is the best means
we can find.

BTW, if you're considering to rewrite the application into C#(VB.NET)
later, please feel free to post here if you meet any problem. We're willing
to help you :).



Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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