Jason's Toolbox ... test your Browser security


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Browser Security Tests

Even if you run a firewall, keep your virus definitions updated, and don't run attachments that are e-mailed to you, you may still be at risk. Browser vulnerabilities can allow intruders into your system or allow your private data to be read just by viewing a webpage. What follows are a series of browser security tests to see whether you are vulnerable. You can either start at the beginning and run through them all, or jump to a test by using the table of contents.


I ran most of the tests on this site and i have come to the conclusion that if you turned everything off java, cookies etc etc you wouldn't have access to most of the internet...so just by connecting to the net you run the risk of someone hacking your machine....

These tests seem pointless to me...if you want to disable java, cookies, activex etc etc go ahead, but don't expect to access many web pages and your surfing capability would be severely limited.....to say the least...

All the same Mucks has done a good job highlighting this site just don't take it too seriously....;)
firefox and activex

I'll disagree with you ... you ‘comment’ just tells me you know **** about it. :rolleyes:

Running the "tests" and acting on what is found will, in know way, restrict your "accessing" the internet & or web site pages.

I followed all the 'tests' and passed all the 'tests' ... and My setting in IE are far more strict than most ... I have no problem connecting to the internet or viewing any pages.

Install FireFox and you have NO NEED to do the 'tests' ... the "restrictions" are already in place on FF. You don't see them complaining they can't get to access web pages.
Mucks is absolutely correct and I agree that these tests will give confidence to anyone who is using the computer and a chance to learn what they do not know or understand. FF is very secure as Mucks says. I also had no issues.

One of the test which is also useful is the Email Defences Test. I think everyone should check it out and see if they can get into trouble if a VBS is executed on its own or you are asked to allow it.

Good post Mucks :)
my biggest isssue is those "unload" pop-ups
do i habve to disable javascript completely?
what are the ramifications?
muckshifter said:
I'll disagree with you ... you ‘comment’ just tells me you know **** about it. :rolleyes:

Running the "tests" and acting on what is found will, in know way, restrict your "accessing" the internet & or web site pages.

I followed all the 'tests' and passed all the 'tests' ... and My setting in IE are far more strict than most ... I have no problem connecting to the internet or viewing any pages.

Install FireFox and you have NO NEED to do the 'tests' ... the "restrictions" are already in place on FF. You don't see them complaining they can't get to access web pages.

whooo hooo, been running firefox 2 years now, have never been unable to view a page... but every once in a while I can't click a submit button.
Raje said:
whooo hooo, been running firefox 2 years now, have never been unable to view a page... but every once in a while I can't click a submit button.

I have been using Firefox for the last 6months and the only sites i have found that dont work with it are the online virus scanners, Trend Micro, Panda Activescan and Symantic sites. They use active x.
muckshifter said:
No, you do not have to 'disable' javasript completely ... invest in a Free pop-up blocker.

I have tried several varieties of blockers, the problem remains...
masterkeedu said:
I have tried several varieties of blockers, the problem remains...
If you get a 'unload' pop-up with Google pop-up blocker, then that site could well have fooled you and is using simple HTML code, or your activex or javascript are too loose.

I'm happy with using IE, I have tried Firefox, I personally did not like it, may try it again when 1.5 is final ... why don't you try it masterkeedu, instead of moaning about a simple program that freely checks IE, or should I say, Browser 'holes' ... it you don't want pop-ups, disconnect from the internet.

Blimey Mucks, who filled your shoes with treacle today? :D

Just ran all those tests, only two I 'failed' were I have cookies enabled and I was re-directed to another web page.

Windows XP Pro, all updates applied, using IE.

So, I ain't too worried about that :)
Well, Jason is one of the 'good guys' at what he does ... he's had that little proggie up for a while, just forgot.

I'm surprised you aint using Firefox, though they just found another hole in it. :D

I was messing with some settings and forgot what I did ... and in my search to 'fix' it I remembered, well google did.

Even SpywarBlaster told me I'd missed/messed-up something. :thumb:
<quote=muckshifter> masterkeedu, instead of moaning about a simple program that freely checks IE, or should I say, Browser 'holes' ...</quote>

I was hardly moaning muck, i think you need to lay off the meth, its stringing you out.

anyway maybee a certain microsoft should test, and retest its software before it is released. This would eliminate a large portion of said "holes"
Nice one Mucks;)

Did the test I have cookies enabled so failed on that one and only that one, no big deal Ccleaner gets to grips with that!

And I may add that without people like you and many others on this forum we would learn> zero- nil -nought –nowt.

Hey Mucks,

Good little test routine! Very please to say that I passed with semi-flying colours. Only failed in areas which I already knew about, and am (sort of) happy with the risk.

Keep up the good work.
Try a local proxy filter set your browsers proxy settings to: localhost port8080 or port 8080 or what ever the filter says to set the port too.

I dont get any popups with FF even with out a local proxy but I still use a local proxy.

Several freeones out there that work good like Mutiproxy. Be careful cause some toolbars use this filter but has spyware. I use Proxomitron cause I have more filter control.

If ya have Compuserve or AOL, IE proxy setting cant be set. Why does AOL make IE unsafe cause the best popup filters use loopback on ? Use Mozzila.

I surf with Mozzila with Java off with Proxo. tuff **** if the Webmaster doent like, and when I need Java and trust the Webmaster use IE with it on with out Proxo.

I like CCleaner for temps and AnalogX Cookie Wall for controllin cookies when using IE.

I dont get any trojans or spyware cookies using Mozzilla with Proxo its like being dual filtered.

Local proxys work well with IE but it can be spyware hijacked easy no matter what ya do.

If someone likes a local proxy filter please post what ya use.
Hey, did really well on the tests. I might need to look at Java though but other than that a fairly healthy little PC here!!

Gabs x
Some Java and cookie issues here. Differernt results between Opera and Maxthon.

Nice link Mucks