IVSAReferenceItem problem.

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Hi There.

I'm trying to build an application to use JScript scripts to test some
customer facing APIs. I have an exe that passes JScripts into a dll that then
compiles them using Microsoft.VSA. Everything works great except when I try
to use classes that I've defined myself. The following code should include a
reference to my dll for the JScripts:

string assemName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
refItem = (IVsaReferenceItem)items.CreateItem(assemName,
refItem.AssemblyName = assemName;

I'm able to declare a class, but when I try to instantiate it I get a
System.IO.FileNotFoundException for my dll. For some reason it appears to be
looking for the dll in C:\Windows\System32 directory, and when I make a copy
of my dll in that directory everything works fine. When I debug and look at
the IVSAEngine the IVSAItem appears to have the right directory/file name in
the AssemblyName property. I'm sure there's something simple I'm missing, but
I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. Any help would be greatly

Dave Jackson

PS. I'm using
Win XP sp2
Visual Studio 2003
..Net Framework 1.1.4322.573
I should add that everything is written in C#, hence the posting in the
Dotnet forum, but please direct me elsewhere if necessary. Thanks again.