I've just noticed

Happy anniversary TXD :D I'm sure someone shortens each year by several weeks, once you become a grown-up. Once you hit your forties, they nick a whole month. By your fifties, years are only six-months long........well that's how it feels anyway :p :lol:
What TC says is true.

Remember those summer holidays at school? 6 weeks? They seemed to go on forever and at the time you wished they'd fly by so you'd be older and could get into that club/ride a motorbike/date sally jones/see an x film.

But. When you turn 40 the years shrink and before we know it we're six foot under :)

TXD: The years have indeed flown by, I would never have said you'd been here 7 years.

I guess that makes you a regular then, lol ;)
TriplexDread said:
Just one question who was Sally Jones? :D

Ah, Sally Jones.

Sally was the girl all the boys used to say got a bit naughty behind the bike sheds.

As the school years progressed the stories grew more and more lurid and outrageous until most boys began to wonder just how come they seem to be the only one who hasn't gained Sally's affections.

The truth was, of course, Ms Jones was chaste and the stories were the result of over-active hormones in spotty adolescents.

But every school has a Sally Jones.

Mind you, our school really did have a Sally Jones, lol, I've just remembered, I even have a photo of her.

How free she was with her affections I have no idea.