I've Had Enough of C# Learner

  • Thread starter Thread starter Simon
  • Start date Start date


I've had enough of C# Learner. I've had enough of his complaining
about using parentheses for every 'if' statement. I've had enough of
his complaining about having to mix assignment of return value of
methods with flow control, making writing code that's both readable
and consistent, impossible.

C# Learner is hindered by his complainging about C# being hindered by
its predecessors and the Microsoft marketing department. If C#
Learner had his way, he would complain to Anders about this language
not being one where readable code isn't a near impossibility for
non-trivial code; but no, C# Learner didn't have his way, and
Microsoft marketing and C++/Java got in Anders's way. The evidence is
blatently apparent in C# Learner's complaining.

C# Learner, the poster where complaining comes before usefulness, has
struck again. The repercussions affect us all.
So you think he will unduly affect the language designers?
Isn't that why VB is still around?


I've learnt a lot of programming languages in my time from Algol, Fortran
through to C#. If I had found that I couldn't cope with a new one at any
time then I would have looked for another job. Lets face it, programming
computers is not really difficult, is it, otherwise there wouldn't be
thousands and thousands of otherwise run of the mill folks like us doing it
would there.

So if you can't cope with something new, perhaps you are even more run of
the mill than we are, and you should get a job delivering newspapers or
something that you can cope with.

New to .NET, Hi I am relatively new to .NET, done 5 or 6 web apps using vb.net. Being an old C, C++ programmer thinking of using C# on the next project. Just wondering if there are any suggestions, stay with vb or use C#, guess it could just be a matter of coding preferences.
Ray said:
So if you can't cope with something new, perhaps you are even more run of
the mill than we are, and you should get a job delivering newspapers or
something that you can cope with.

I never said that I can't cope with it -- just that I don't like some of
its syntax elements. There's a *huge* difference between the two, as
anyone who's ever used multiple programming languages will tell you.

Note that you're replying to "Simon" about a previous post that /I/ made.