I've deleted rundll32

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Jun 17, 2005
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Well yeh yeh I know... how stupid!!

I was looking through my background processes to see if there could have been a hiden virus or 2 which could have benn slowing my pc down, when I came across rundll32. Of course thinking it was a virus, I deleted it and now I can't run downloads or open certain applications.

I've been onto dllfiles.com to download the rundll32 process, but when coming to run the download, it just disappears, therefore no joy...

Without formatting my hard drive, can anyone offer an alternative?
do you have a restore point ? or you can repair windows with the CD
I cannot access system restore... and I can't open applications. I've tried to run the windows xp disk to see if that will help but had no luck with that either as the the drive will not run.

I'm close to throwing the dam thing away... lol
apologies for such a late reply by the way.

was browsing the net to find a fix for this problem, but still no luck.
Well don't get disheartened keep browsing you'll find a solution....;)
set the bios to boot for cd and restart ur pc and it should load up the windows disk, here you can repair windows with out reformating

if that done work you will need to reinstall windows.

thats what i would do
Hey hi...

Thankyou for your suggestion, but that hasn't worked either... For some reason the Windows xp disk gives me the option to install, but when clicking on that option it doesn't run?

I have search high and low for a solution and now considering whether or not to call microsoft to help, but their call rates are exstortionate.

Anyone else out there that has done the same as I?
Usually pressing the delete key while booting up will get you into your BIOS. Once you are in there you need to find the boot sequence and set it to boot from CDrom, then save and exit, and it should continue to boot from your XP disk that you inserted earlier! This way you will be able to repair your XP without losing everything else.

your bios is the Basic Input Output System, wich is embedded on either an eeprom, or eprom chip usually soldered on the mainboard, it gives your mainboard the binary functions to run which then gives info to the cmos memory then power on self test, then on to booting your os which of course there are diff types that run its own boot error codes like AMI american megatrends inc. and phoenix bios, but do the same functions, as for your rundll32, do you have another systems running windows, you can copy it form the registry (regedit) and send it over a network or what ever and place it in your registry which it would self install most likely or look up the value strings and binary of a rundll32 on another system and make a duplicate on yours
Hi everyone,

I am joining this thread because I have the same rundll32 problem as Lea.x, unfortunatelly I don't have the option of formating my hard drive since I don't have the OS (w2k pro). Scryptghost last reply looks doable but I am not that computer literate to do it without step by step directions. eg. What rundll32 file to copy? Where can find it? How and Where to place it in my compu?. I have been without compu since May, Help!
Thank you Red light but with my problem I cannot even access the internet. Any other suggestions?
ok dude, copy this EXACTLY (i got this from an ntfs registry) the binary strings ARE CASE SENSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!

i am not responsible for what happens chances are windows will get rid of it, its worth the try

i did copy this exactly from . to , so its not a type-o on line 6

type regedit in run


its in .ink hence the boot order runs alphebetically

value name = command
value data= rundll32.exe appwiz.cpl,NewLinkHere %1

here is the binary data: (ten lines) {copy this exactly}!!!

0000 72 00 75 00 6E 00 64 00 r.u.n.d.
0008 6C 00 6C 00 33 00 32 00
0010 2E 00 65 00 78 00 65 00 ..e.x.e.
0018 20 00 61 00 70 00 70 00 .a.p.p.
0020 77 00 69 00 7A 00 2E 00 w.i.z...
0028 63 00 70 00 6C 00 2C 00 c.p.1.,.
0030 4E 00 65 00 77 00 4C 00 N.e.w.L.
0038 69 00 6E 00 6B 00 48 00 i.n.k.H.
0040 65 00 72 00 65 00 20 00 e.r.e. .
0048 25 00 31 00 00 00 %.1... (make sure the % lines up under "e" in the above line)

somewhere in regedit you will find a add registry thing, GOOD LUCK DUDE :thumb:

i couldnt copy the strings since it wont let boot orders read in ANSI, so there fore i typed the lines myself
once again i hope this helps!!
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Thank you scriptghost, I hate to be a pain but I have another question regarding your suggestion. Do I need to give a specific name to the registry key I am adding? What name would it be more appropiate?
no dude your not being a pain, ok type regedit

then once in regedit hold CTRL+F to bring a find menu

type rundll32 then hit search

just to see if it can be found

if found: it should give you 2 entries: (could be depending{this is off an NTFS partition ver.5.1.2600, should be the same}

ab (default) REG_SZ (value not set)
ab command REG_SZ rundll32.exe appwiz.cpl,Newlink

the ab command is the one you modify which contains the value strings

by right clicking then modify (BUT BE CAREFUL)

ok there is 2 enteries you modify within COMMAND

1. edit string
2. edit binary data (1 is on 0 is off, they are in 8bits(sections), =255

in edit string there is 2 sub commands

a.value name
b.value data

then off to modifying the binary:

a.Vslue name: command
b. value data: is that 10 line list i posted in previous

(edit string tab)
value name=command
value data=rundll32.exe appwiz.cpl,NewLinkHere %1

ok now for adding: bare with me!!!

ok at the top you will see .386 which is the windowz kernel

scroll way down:

to this folder: {783c030f-e948-487d-b35d-94fcf0c172}

ok heres a neet little trick you can do: make a new floder on the desktop

name it .{783c030f-e948-487d-b35d-94fcf0c172} then enter

it should make a registry cubicle like a shortcut, but you should do it in regedit

then find localserver32 this is where you put the rundll32 folder

now i have some bad news since it is a dll everyting is built on top of another

like a pyramid if one brick is knocked out they will fall

hence there is a rundll, in the kernel folder of windows c:/windows yadda yadda

ill be gone for a few days but if you email me, i can take the time to send

screen shots and how of both rundll

i can also make a batch file of each so it can go into the registry but that would take some time

i would realy like to help

emial: (e-mail address removed)

if it that addy gives you trouble come reply back and ill give you my main one

which i rarely do

cya- bud
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Hi i understand your problem...You boot winxp cd reinstall w/out format....you may have to re-install your applications again ;)...and if you wanna check for virues use anti viral software...never take matters into your own hands unless you're trained to do so.....hmmm what else....ohh yeah.....back up you wpa keys (wpa.bak and wpa.wdl..i forget the name)..its in ur system 32 folder...that is to bypass activation...


script ghost is right u know...but if you find its too hard...do what i said its time consuming and you wont trash your system...i know ppl who trashed cpu's by playing with regedit...you ***must know what youre doing***....but ghost is right....again good luck d00d
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I can't believe this thread is still running over a month later, and this guy still hasn't got this sorted....will somebody please help this guy sort this problem..and put the cat out and turn the lights off.....PLEASE.....
its not that much of a problem

reinstall windows backup your wpa key and thats that!!!!

think ppl lol
Thank you everyone, for your support. My situation had a positive twist since now I have the option to format the hard drive and installl from scratch w2k pro. I will be facing new issues and I will be asking for support again.

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