
Mar 5, 2004
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Merry Christmas one and all. :-)

Just a quick question for you all at Xmas.

Last Xmas I got an iPod Touch and installed iTunes on my lapop and ripped all my CDs and synched them to my iPod. Since then I've maybe downloaded 2 or 3 albums directly.

I've just been given a couple of CDs for Christmas, but don't have my laptop with me. Is there any way to get the CDs onto my iPod without wiping what is already on the iPod? Note: I do have access to my Dad's laptop.

Oh, and while I'm on the subject, I need to update the software version of my iPod Touch, do I have to do this through iTunes?

Thanks all, and have a great time over Christmas / New Year.
If He has I Tunes, copy CDs to his computer, then plug in your I Pod and DO NOT SYNC contents.
once his I Tunes shows up your I Pod, select music you want to transfer and drag across to Music Icon listed under your I Pod Icon (Left hand side bar)..
Chuck D.
Updating the I-Pod software is not that important and will certainly wait until you can next access I-Tunes and yes, as far as I know the software can only be updated through I-Tunes.

Mine must be well out of date cos I ain't used I-Tunes for over a year, I use Winamp. No danger of wiping library with Winamp and I'm really not fond of I-Tunes.