iTunes Library text file imported into Excel

  • Thread starter Thread starter Craig J
  • Start date Start date

Craig J

I want to lock the row, then I want to be able to sort the data by different
columns in either ascending or descending order. What is the best way to do
I want to lock the row, then I want to be able to sort the data by different
columns in either ascending or descending order. What is the best way to do

if you lock the row, and then sort by columns, won't the data not be
matched up correctly? maybe i'm not understanding request. What is
locking the row going to do for you?

I'm not sure what you mean by "lock the row", but you might mean to
"Freeze" the first row. Select A2, then go to the Window menu and
choose Freeze Panes. This will cause row 1 to always be visible at
the top of the screen, regardless of how you scroll in the rest of
worksheet. To remove the Freeze, go to the Window menu and choose
Unfreeze Panes.

To sort, select all the rows and all the columns that are to be
sorted. You must select all of the columns that are to be sorted, not
just the column on whose values you wish to sort. Then open the Sort
dialog from the Data menu. Excel will attempt to guess whether your
data has column header values in the first row (e.g, headers like
"Artist", "Album", etc). If you do have headers in the first row and
Excel guess correctly, choose the column header you wish to sort on.
If Excel guesses wrong, correct it and then choose the column.

Beyond that, you may want to provide more details about what it is
exactly that you wish to accomplish.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Excel Product Group, 1998 - 2009
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email on web site)

On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 17:29:01 -0700, Craig J <Craig
What I am trying to do is import my music library text file from itunes, real
player or other music players into excel so I have a readable source. Fro
there I can get a true idea of what music I truly have. I want to be able to
sort the data file (song title artist, album, etc) by any column, just like
what you can do in i tunes, real player, or windows media player. I hope this
explains my intentions better