Itunes Backup

Mar 5, 2004
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My mate wants to back up his Itunes onto an external hard drive he has just bought. I don't know anything about Itunes cause i dont own an ipod, but i said i'd ask you folks.

He basically wants to back up all his MP3's (or whatever they are when stored in itunes). If i was backing up my MP3's i'd just copy them onto the drive, but from the brief look i've had, it looks as if it's not possible to just back up the files onto an external drive incase something happens to the originals?

Help would be much appreciated guys.


I would go to: (Assuming your using XP)

My Music

And copy the iTunes folder over, dunno what you mean by the originals though?
i-Tunes features a backup facility - which worked for me, where you can save all your recorded music and playlists.

The i-Tunes format is not mp3, btw, it's Apples' own named m4a. Which, I begrudgingly admit, is better quality than mp3.

Whether the i-Tunes backup facility can be used to back up to a hard disk, I do not know, but it's certainly worth checking out.

Adywebb's link is also a pretty good bet, cos he only recommends stuff that works ;)
Looks like Itunes only lets you back up to a CD/DVD which is odd!! Would have thought like every other programme on the planet that you'd be able to change the location!! :lol:

Have to say, this is one of the reasons i've not bought an Ipod, i HATE itunes!!

I have done this several times, moving files from PC to laptop, then from laptop to external hard drive & it is not quite as simple as just your basic drag & drop. You can actually do it that way, then point iTunes library to the new location, although this will delete all the playlist & file info. Not a good idea if you have a lot of custom info.

The best way is to actually follow Apple's advice and use this link:

This way, you keep all the links between your library info & your files & shouldn't have any problems.

Good luck!