Age and cunning will always outshine youth & exuberance
Hey, look, you is taking this whole thing too seriously, imo.
First, it was blonde jokes, so they retaliated and made it brunette jokes, I mean, come on, what's the difference.
The whole thing is a nonsense anyway, just a laugh, is all.
How politically correct would you like to get?
How about all those Irish geezers who've been the butt of Paddy jokes all their life? It could get quite silly.
I laugh and I have Irish ancestry. And I've met a lot of very clever Irish peeps too, I mean, very clever, talented people.
So, lighten up would be my advice. Either that or go join your local council and make jolly fine recommendations for being sensible.
Life is too short to get uptight.
And FWIW, I agree with Bex about demeaning women, makes my blood boil in fact, but a little light hearted banter about the rivalry between the sexes and ridiculing those things that do seem to be exclusive to either sex are good fun. No more, no less.