It's 'that' time of year, again ...

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I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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My local Asda has xmas mince pies for sale ... my local Range has ALL the xmas decorations, and I mean ALL the xmas decorations you'll ever need.

:rolleyes: :wall:

... roll on Easter. :wave:
Two advertising/spamming tactics have me reaching for the 'ignore' button - 'Hurry' and anything that tries to be topical and current -go away!

I only found out the football world cup or summat was taking place through advertising. 'Buy a new TV for the cup' 'buy loadsa beer for the cup'

Go away! :mad:

Very soon it will be December 25th 365 days a year....

don't quote me, but I think it was/is Rugby ... :)
Well, December 1st is fair game imo, but, this advertising, it's really rather lame isn't it?

And we still have Halloween and Guy Fawkes night to go....
When I was a little boy about 4/5 years old my mum complaining to the manager of Curreys in Dover (late 1940's) that they had in store Father Christmas a whole 2 weeks before Christmas. Christmas has just become a GREAT time for ripping off the gulabal (spelt that wrong) public and not so much of a religous celibration now. Bahh Humbug:mad::eek::cry:
Attenzione! Zer are too many menshuns of zee word ******** in zis thread! :mad:

You vill all stop forthwith talking about an event not scheduled to occur until zee month of the December and late in zat month too, when all der druid peoples celebrated mid-winter.

To give creedence to my request I will accuse das advertising peeples of being too short on der imagination to dream up anything else to promote the sales of their shoddy goods. Before the date where people get sentimental eat and drink too much and burp and fart and argue with in-laws there are other occasions, notably das USA horror fest and ponce time known as Halloween and celebration of trying to kill all der government with Guy Fawkes Night and those Muslims celebrate summat in November I think (Ede?).

Today in IKEA there were baubles, paper chains and colourfully decorated conifer trees in celebration of December 25th, And it's still September (just). So das Swedisher conglomerate can go **** themselves for acting in poor taste, now they off limits to moi for two months at least.

That time of year - shut up!
thread closed due to popular demands

what's in your Halloween bag?

:wave: :cheers: :fool:
Just been shopping and halloween on shelf next too the the December event!

Is it to early to be thinking of Easter Eggs?
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