It's Only a Hole

men at work

British gas I say, or maybe the Water Board. ;)

There I was, a-digging this hole
A hole in the ground, so big and sort of round it was
There was I, digging it deep
It was flat at at the bottom and the sides were steep
When along, comes this bloke in a bowler which he lifted and scratched his head
Well we looked down the hole, poor demented soul and he said

Do you mind if I make a suggestion?

Don't dig there, dig it elsewhere
Your digging it round and it ought to be square
The shape of it's wrong, it's much much too long
And you can't put hole wher a hole don't belong

I ask, what a liberty eh
Nearly bashed him right in the bowler ...

I actually bought that Bernard Cribbins' single when I was about ten or eleven years old.

Thanks TC :)... that's deep enough not to want to fall down! :eek:
Is it just me or, does that hole look like it was cut out, rather than collapsed....i blame aliens lol.
It does look as if a giant paper punch was used. I wonder if it will fill with water,some of them do.
