It's not a folder of audio files!?

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How do I get Vista to not show a folder as if it was a folder of audio files?
For example, I have a folder with some linux tgz files in it. When I navigate
to the folder (with the view set to details), I get a view that has for
columns across the top: Name, Artists, Album, #, Genre, Rating. How do I get
this display to go away and the regular detail display with filename, size,
date, etc columns?
Vista seems to take a guess at the folder contents, and displays columns
To change them, right-click on a blank area of the right pane, select
"Customize this folder"
Change the template in the pull-down to "All Items"
Or, you can select whatever columns you want, by right-clicking on the
"Names" heading
and selecting "More..."
Excellent! Thanks.


Dave said:
Vista seems to take a guess at the folder contents, and displays columns
To change them, right-click on a blank area of the right pane, select
"Customize this folder"
Change the template in the pull-down to "All Items"
Or, you can select whatever columns you want, by right-clicking on the
"Names" heading
and selecting "More..."
That works for a while... However, after a few days, the folder seems to
have "forgotten" the command, and displays as sound again.
Not only that, but you have to do it for every @$#%*!! folder that matches
whatever Vista's magical criteria are...
brink said:
Hi Hakvinius,

To make Vista remember again, you need to reset it's folder view
settings and increase the view cache size. Go to the link below and
scoll down to the second method. It will show you how to do it.



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Thanks Shawn! That seems to have fixed things!
On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 09:24:36 -0700, "Oscar Fowler"

I've made a "wish" on this topic, describing the problems here:!C7DAB1E724AB8C23!287.entry

Another 35 or so "Vista wishes" here:!C7DAB1E724AB8C23!336.entry
Not only that, but you have to do it for every @$#%*!! folder that matches
whatever Vista's magical criteria are...
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