It's been fun!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe
  • Start date Start date


So I guess the frontpage.client NG is soon shutting down. While I haven't
been around in it too much much lately I had been an active participant in
it for more years than I can remember. I am sure many people will miss it. I
have made some life long friends in this and other newsgroups and learned so
much from others. So with that I bid you all a fond farewell!

(For all the old timers I hear there is a cold beverage available at Tom
Pepper's patio :-)


FrontPage and Expression Web Forums:
So I guess the frontpage.client NG is soon shutting down. While I haven't
been around in it too much much lately I had been an active participant in
it for more years than I can remember. I am sure many people will miss it. I
have made some life long friends in this and other newsgroups and learned so
much from others. So with that I bid you all a fond farewell!

(For all the old timers I hear there is a cold beverage available at Tom
Pepper's patio :-)

The newsgroup isn't shutting down. It is just Microsoft is no longer
going to support it. Most other news servers will still be supplying
the feed.

Most of the questions asked come from Microsoft's web interface to the newsgroups. When Microsoft's new server closes, so does the web interface, and there will be far fewer questions to answer even if the groups themselves keep going.

Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

Stephen Wolstenholme used his keyboard to write :
On Sun, 23 May 2010 09:32:37 -0400, "Joe"
Most of the questions asked come from Microsoft's web interface to the newsgroups. When Microsoft's new server closes, so does the web interface, and there will be far fewer questions to answer even if the groups themselves keep going.

There are many posters and readers in all the Microsoft newsgroups who
have never used the web interfaces.

Agreed - but most of the _questions_ come from the web interface.
Most of the answerers use NNTP.

In the last 25 threads in this group:

20 questions started from the web interface
with 5 others:
1 announcement - the closure of the group
1 - farewell from Joe
3 - questions from Bliss, Rod and Toni

Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

Stephen Wolstenholme presented the following explanation :
On Sun, 23 May 2010 15:06:36 +0100, Ronx
Agreed - but most of the _questions_ come from the web interface.
Most of the answerers use NNTP.

Perhaps that is because the questions come from the less experienced
users who assume the web is the only way to access newsgroups while
the more experienced users were using NNTP before the web was
invented. I can't remember the relative timing of the web and

Point is people asking questions are using the web while people who answer
questions use NNTP - syncing the two is very difficult and/or expensive.
MVPs (I was one in the dim and distant past) don't ask questions and a
newsgroup is nothing without questions to answer. So any forum needs to go
where the questions are.

The questions all come from the web

Microsoft are shutting down the news server. This effectively shuts down the web interface to these newsgroups, thus removing around 80% or more of the questions.

I, and other MVPs and regulars, use NNTP to access the newsgroups (not the web interface) so we will be cut off from those using the web, if that still runs - unlikely since it interfaces with the newsgroup database.

In fact, these FrontPage and Expression groups are being redirected to the Microsoft Answers and Expression forums, which can be accessed using a Bridge between the forum and newsreader - but Giganews and other news servers will not see as much as a glimmer of the posts.
If you have not seen the posts marking the end of the microsoft.public groups (some servers, including my ISP, delete them as SPAM) I have a lightly edited copy at

"those who wish to use the web interface can be seen by those of us who wish to use a usenet interface -- and vice versa. That's a good thing,
isn't it? "

Yes, 100% agreement. But
real forums, with all the fripperies, points, medals and advertising, are better for you
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

Bill Anderson expressed precisely :
Point is people asking questions are using the web while people who answer
questions use NNTP - syncing the two is very difficult and/or expensive.

Syncing can't be that difficult or expensive as there are other
discussion groups that are available on both NNTP newsgroups and web
forums at the same time.

ASP, AISIP, ESC and Softvelocity to name just four that I subscribe

Ronx said:
Yes, 100% agreement. But
real forums, with all the fripperies, points, medals and advertising, are
better for you

Isn't that what the web is about these days? If people want to answer
questions they'll go where the questions are :-)

Ah, hi Joe! nice to see you again. Yes, cold beverages available to lament
the closing of the MS public newsgroup servers. Good luck on trying to
figure out where to go and how to use them. The days of easy and convenient
are over.

: So I guess the frontpage.client NG is soon shutting down. While I haven't
: been around in it too much much lately I had been an active participant in
: it for more years than I can remember. I am sure many people will miss it.
: have made some life long friends in this and other newsgroups and learned
: much from others. So with that I bid you all a fond farewell!
: (For all the old timers I hear there is a cold beverage available at Tom
: Pepper's patio :-)
: --
: Best,
: Joe
: FrontPage and Expression Web Forums:
: The newsgroup isn't shutting down. It is just Microsoft is no longer
: going to support it. Most other news servers will still be supplying
: the feed.
: Steve

And, many of the experts/MVPS will not be posting on them. They will be

Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage Since 1997
: --
: Neural Planner Software Ltd
: EasyNN-plus. Neural Networks plus.
: SwingNN. Forecast with Neural Networks.
: JustNN. Just Neural Networks.
: The newsgroup isn't shutting down. It is just Microsoft is no longer
: going to support it. Most other news servers will still be supplying
: the feed.
: Steve

And, many of the experts/MVPS will not be posting on them. They will be

Anyone who has been using NNTP groups in preference to web forums will
be having serious thoughts about the amount of time they will using.
It's so much more efficient to use one NNTP client than navigating web
multiple web forums.

: Anyone who has been using NNTP groups in preference to web forums will
: be having serious thoughts about the amount of time they will using.
: It's so much more efficient to use one NNTP client than navigating web
: multiple web forums.
: Steve
Agreed. Not only is special registration and sign in needed, it will be a
quagmire to try and find groups and navigate through them.

And, MS is going to have 2 bridges now, instead of one, for those who want
to use a NNTP newsreader. Good luck with that.

Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage Since 1997
: --
: Neural Planner Software Ltd
: EasyNN-plus. Neural Networks plus.
: SwingNN. Forecast with Neural Networks.
: JustNN. Just Neural Networks.
And good luck finding answers to FP stuff when they've clumped it in with;
PhotoDraw, FrontPage, and Works...oye!
They may as well throw microsoft.public.publisher.webdesign in there too.

No rhyme or reason.

Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage Since 1997
: And good luck finding answers to FP stuff when they've clumped it in
: PhotoDraw, FrontPage, and Works...oye!
: They may as well throw microsoft.public.publisher.webdesign in there too.
: jeez
: --
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: Rob Giordano
: Microsoft MVP Expression Web
: : >
: > : Anyone who has been using NNTP groups in preference to web forums will
: > : be having serious thoughts about the amount of time they will using.
: > : It's so much more efficient to use one NNTP client than navigating web
: > : multiple web forums.
: > :
: > : Steve
: > :
: > Agreed. Not only is special registration and sign in needed, it will be
: > quagmire to try and find groups and navigate through them.
: >
: > And, MS is going to have 2 bridges now, instead of one, for those who
: > to use a NNTP newsreader. Good luck with that.
: >
: >
: > --
: > Tom [Pepper] Willett
: > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage Since 1997
: > ---------------------------
: > : --
: > : Neural Planner Software Ltd
: > : EasyNN-plus. Neural Networks plus.
: > : SwingNN. Forecast with Neural Networks.
: > : JustNN. Just Neural Networks.
: >
: >
Joe Rohn has a great forum

I have always spread myself around lists and forums but I like the newsgroup
as its much like a list I have one for frontpage and one for expression web.

The Answers forum I belive will contain works photodraw and frontpage?

Still there is a bright side..... if you can't find the answer to your
problem it will encourage a learning process...which will result in better

There is always an outlet for everything ... just like some hosts still
support fpse.

Tina - FrontPage Tutorials - - FrontPage Addons - Weekly FrontPage Tips - FrontPage News Blog - Expression Blog - Expression Web Help - Expression Web Ezine
Stephen said:
The newsgroup isn't shutting down. It is just Microsoft is no longer
going to support it. Most other news servers will still be supplying
the feed.

Don't count on that! There's a very self-important yahoo who has taken
it to be his business to issue 'rmgroup' requests on behalf of
Microsoft. Now it's true that most big usenet providers ignore most
such requests because they're not considered authoritative, and they're
so easily abused. But, sadly, this creep has somehow convinced most of
them that he is authoritative for this hierarchy, and history supports
him in that regard.

Microsoft is planning on phasing out newsgroups -

It's confusing the heck outta me, so far it looks like there's 3 separate
forum systems? Answers, Social, MSDN ??
Forums are: Answers, MSDN, Technet and Expression - that's 4.
Answers is one system, the others are different sections of a second system - so that's 2 platforms.

There are two NNTP bridges:

The first gives access to MSDN, Technet and Expression, the second is for Answers.

Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)
This nesgroup is closing - see

After serious thinking Rob Giordano [MS MVP] wrote :
It's confusing the heck outta me, so far it
looks like there's 3 separate forum systems?
Answers, Social, MSDN ??
Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression Web

"Tom Willett" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
No rhyme or reason.

-- Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage Since 1997
"Rob Giordano [MS MVP]"
: And good luck finding answers to FP stuff
when they've clumped it in
: PhotoDraw, FrontPage, and Works...oye!
They may as well throw
microsoft.public.publisher.webdesign in there
: jeez
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: Rob Giordano
: Microsoft MVP Expression Web
: "Tom Willett" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
: >
Anyone who has been using NNTP groups
in preference to web forums
: > : be having serious thoughts about the
amount of time they will using.
It's so much more efficient to use one
NNTP client than navigating
: > : multiple web forums.
: > :
: > : Steve
: > :
Agreed. Not only is special registration
and sign in needed, it will
: > quagmire to try and find groups and
navigate through them.
: >
: > And, MS is going to have 2 bridges now,
instead of one, for those who
: > to use a NNTP newsreader. Good luck with
: >
: >
-- Tom [Pepper] Willett
: > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage Since 1997
: > ---------------------------
-- Neural Planner Software Ltd
: > : EasyNN-plus. Neural Networks plus.
: > : SwingNN. Forecast with Neural
: > : JustNN. Just Neural Networks.
: >
: >