:O PXD is back!
I'm sorry people, but the 'devil' has returned!
I'm sorry people, but the 'devil' has returned!
-----Original Message-----
:O PXD is back!
I'm sorry people, but the 'devil' has returned!
Does she not give truthful answers
cimex said:Opinions can be neither true nor false.
They can be offensive, however.
Comp Guy said:How does cimex's reply violate either his/hers ISP AUP, or MS's AUP?
Just asking.
Perdita X. Dream said:And, in your case, can lose you your internet account. My friends at MS are
watching you very closely...
it's only me.......AGAIN!!! said:Don't talk uteer shite. You do anyway, but...........
Get a real life BITCH
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