I have a MenuStrip with a bunch of menus and sub-menus. On one of the
top-level menus I want all sub-items except the first to be disable/enabled
based on Checked setting of the first. Like so:
foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in designToolStripMenuItem.Items)
if (item != topDesignToolStripMenuItem) item.Enabled = ...
Problem is that ToolStripMenuItem does not have an Items property. If you
iterate the ToolStripMenuItems in MenuStrip.Items you only get the top-level
items, none of their children.
How do i iterate the children?
top-level menus I want all sub-items except the first to be disable/enabled
based on Checked setting of the first. Like so:
foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in designToolStripMenuItem.Items)
if (item != topDesignToolStripMenuItem) item.Enabled = ...
Problem is that ToolStripMenuItem does not have an Items property. If you
iterate the ToolStripMenuItems in MenuStrip.Items you only get the top-level
items, none of their children.
How do i iterate the children?