Items showing up 2x in a listbox

  • Thread starter Thread starter Blasting Cap
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Blasting Cap

I have some code where I populate some items in a listbox. The code is:

ListBoxDomesticExport.Items.Insert(0, "Domestic (Commercial)")
ListBoxDomesticExport.Items(0).Value = "0"

ListBoxDomesticExport.Items.Insert(1, "Domestic (All)")
ListBoxDomesticExport.Items(1).Value = "1"

ListBoxDomesticExport.Items.Insert(2, "Domestic (Non Commercial)")
ListBoxDomesticExport.Items(2).Value = "2"

ListBoxDomesticExport.Items.Insert(3, "Export")
ListBoxDomesticExport.Items(3).Value = "3"

ListBoxDomesticExport.Rows = 4

This works fine.

However, it populates the listbox 2 times, with the same data.

I only call the routine in 2 places. One is in the page_load event, below.

If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
End If

The other is in a button click event, for a reset button.

Private Sub btnReset_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnReset.Click
End Sub

Basically, in both places, I set other listboxes I have on that same
page, and set some indexes to -1.

When I run the page though, the routine SetDomExport() gets run twice,
no matter what.

Why is this doing this? Is there a way to make it NOT run it twice, or
is there a way to keep it from adding the same elements to the listbox a
second time?

Any help appreciated.

If it were me, I'd recode the populate to this

private sub setDomExport
dim li as ListItem
li = new ListItem()
li.Text = Domestic (Commercial)"
li.Value = "0"

li = new ListItem()
li.Text ="Domestic (All)"
li.Value = "1"

''etc etc

end sub

That's just a "its more obvious" style thing......

Back to your question.

Can you do a

ListBoxDomesticExport.Clear() ''// or ListBoxDomesticExport.Items.Clear()
'' going from memory
when you call the reset button?
If it were me, I'd recode the populate to this:

Private Sub setDomExport

ListBoxDomesticExport.Items.Add(new ListItem("Domestic (Commercial)", "0"))
ListBoxDomesticExport.Items.Add(new ListItem("Domestic (All)", "1"))

End Sub
and if it was me, i'd turn viewstate off, and call the loader from oninit.

-- bruce (
I agree w/ Bruce. Are you sure it's firing that function twice? Is it
possible that the values were loaded from viewstate, then loaded again
by you? Either way, you should turn off the viewstate if you don't
need it.