I am just starting with VB 2005 . VB6 list boxes and combo boxes had ItemData
property. I utilized that feature a lot because all I want to create a
transaction or entry in a DataBase is the item ID anyway. VB.Net boxes do not
have ItemData property. VisualStudio 2005 Documentation suggests
"Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatability.VB6.SetItemData" to gain this
capability. (Of course I'm missing something because my auto-complete does
not offer Compatability.) Hopefully VB.Net offers an imporoved way to
accomplish this task.
What is the "best practice" VB.Net method to offer my users a list of
acceptable Names/Descriptions to choose from and returns / yields the ID for
that Name/Description?
property. I utilized that feature a lot because all I want to create a
transaction or entry in a DataBase is the item ID anyway. VB.Net boxes do not
have ItemData property. VisualStudio 2005 Documentation suggests
"Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatability.VB6.SetItemData" to gain this
capability. (Of course I'm missing something because my auto-complete does
not offer Compatability.) Hopefully VB.Net offers an imporoved way to
accomplish this task.
What is the "best practice" VB.Net method to offer my users a list of
acceptable Names/Descriptions to choose from and returns / yields the ID for
that Name/Description?