Italy Holiday


Feb 23, 2002
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I got back to the UK a few hours ago and I've uploaded a few pics from the holiday :D

One of the days we visited Pompeii and Herculaneum, which was excellent. I can highly recommend a trip to see these, even though it was lashing it down when we went (as you can see on the photos).

No tan, but feeling very full after a week of good food and drink! :lol:
Vesuvius looks good , did you get to see it closer ?

Abarbarian said:
Vesuvius looks good , did you get to see it closer ?

Unfortunately not - it was snowing for the first time this year up there so the trips up there were cancelled. Next time though :D
Fab holiday, would definitely recommend it to everyone! :)
Looks great may want to visit there in the future...Nice Pics guys..Love the deserted street pic..And that building just looks fantastic for 2000 years old Ian...

Oh and I do like the plastic bags..Careful you'll start a new trend off, I can see it now Models on the catwalks all over Europe, with plastic bags on there heads..:D
Welcome back Ian and Bex, glad you had such a good time :nod: Pompeii must be such a fascinating and evocative place to visit - loved your pics. :D
Welcome back Ian and SB.
Called there whilst on a cruise its a really nice place, glad you enjoyed:thumb:
Great pics guys, love the waterproofs, me want one!! :D
Oh, i'm happy to reading this... I'm an italian boy (my english is very poor...)!!!

Let visit Garda Lake.. (I life in this place..) Thi is very bautiful place... All italy is very beautiful!!!
But ulso UK!! I visited london, and all south england... Very intristing but the weather... tooooo rain!!!

Now, I've a question... Where is programming zone? I'm a computer programmer and i don't know wher I can write my question (about assembly)...

Hello Tossam :) I am sure I will be back in Italy sometime again, so I might try Lake Garda next time :)

You can try the programming forum here for your question, but I'm not sure if we have any assembly experts here (you can try though! :thumb: ):
welcome home guys, looks like you had a good time.

That Sorrento place looks good and the name sounds cosmic.