Linda said:
IE has stopped working on me. When I try to load a web
page it is blank. I have tried to repair and reinstall it
but it doesn't work. I downloaded Netscape but don't know
how to set it as my default browser so links in emails try
to open IE and I get nothing. HELP, it also will not
uninstall IE,
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type:
regsvr32 urlmon.dll
3. Click OK, and then click OK again when you receive the following message:
DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll succeeded.
4. If that doesn't fix it, see this article:
You can also try this:
Go to Start/run, and type SFC (SFC /SCANNOW for Win2K or WinXP).
Choose 'Extract One File From Installation Disk'.
Type oleaut32.dll, not worrying about its location. Then, click Start.
Next to 'Restore From', type in or browse for the file's location, which is
probably in the Win98 folder of your installation CD-ROM (typically
D:\Win98), or in your Windows\Options\Cabs folder, as the case may be.
Then, next to 'Save File In', enter C:\Windows\System, and click OK. System
File Checker looks for the file, saves it as you requested, and then tells
you that 'the file has been successfully extracted'.
You may need to reboot.