No matter how many times I disable msmsgs.exe or terminate its process it
pops up. I tear my hair out all the time having to answer messages from
people I don't want to talk to, because even though I turn 6.2 (msnmsgr.exe)
off msmsgs.exe pops up letting people think I am still online, when I want
some peace and quiet.
Why is it an in built 'feature'... if it bugs me so much. I would prefer
msmsgs.exe to be an option... which I could turn off... permanently even.
Please help a tired soul.
No matter how many times I disable msmsgs.exe or terminate its process it
pops up. I tear my hair out all the time having to answer messages from
people I don't want to talk to, because even though I turn 6.2 (msnmsgr.exe)
off msmsgs.exe pops up letting people think I am still online, when I want
some peace and quiet.
Why is it an in built 'feature'... if it bugs me so much. I would prefer
msmsgs.exe to be an option... which I could turn off... permanently even.
Please help a tired soul.