I have a class that has as a member a datetime (birthdate). I try to
retrieve a value from a table.
Member.Birthdate = dsData.Tables(0).rows(0)("BirthDate")
works fine except when the birthdate in the table is null
If dsData.Tables(0).rows(0)("BirthDate") is DBNull.Value then
Member.BirthDate = ????????
I don't want to set the birthdate to the minvalue. I want it to be blank.
But a datetime will not allow a blank.
So what do I do?
retrieve a value from a table.
Member.Birthdate = dsData.Tables(0).rows(0)("BirthDate")
works fine except when the birthdate in the table is null
If dsData.Tables(0).rows(0)("BirthDate") is DBNull.Value then
Member.BirthDate = ????????
I don't want to set the birthdate to the minvalue. I want it to be blank.
But a datetime will not allow a blank.
So what do I do?