I've been having an issue with an application that keeps track of
applications that a client has by state and print this information from my
..net app to an excel file. I'm using a dataview to filter and sort the
records so that I can print all of the Florida client together in column then
all the North Carolina clients and so forth. So I have 3 columns (state,
agency, and total) ; in order to prevent the list showing the state each time
for each client I print the respected state compare it to the next state name
in the dataview and if it's the same I don't reprint the state just move over
to the next row and print the client name. Everything works fine except for
my NC client list. The NC client list is the largest with 59 names and 59
names print with a correct total but it doesn't print the first 8 which are
agencies with A and B names and it duplicates the first 8 that was printed if
that makes since. I've been working on this for ever and can't figure out why
it's doing what it's doing.The problem is in the WriteToData Sub. The bad
thing about this is I wrote the Sub but can't figure out what I'm doing
wrong. Can someone check behind my code and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Private Sub CreateAppList(ByVal eApp As Application, ByVal ws As Worksheet,
ByRef dv As DataView)
'Cast the worksheet into the appWorkSheet object
Dim appWorkSheet As Worksheet = DirectCast(eApp.Worksheets("APP"),
appWorkSheet.Activate() 'Activate the worksheet
'Cast the current worksheet into the ws object
ws = DirectCast(eApp.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)
Dim headingArray() As String = {"STATE", "AGENCY", "TOTAL"}
Dim rowArray() As String = {"B2", "C2", "D2"}
CreateHeadings(headingArray, rowArray, ws, headingArray.Length -
dv.RowFilter = "app=1"
dv.Sort = "state, agencyname"
Dim colArray() As String = {"state", "agencyname"}
WriteOutData(colArray, "app", ws, dv, colArray.Length - 1)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub WriteOutData(ByVal colArray() As String, ByVal product As
String, ByRef ws As Worksheet, ByRef dv As DataView, _
ByVal colLength As Integer)
'Writes out the data to the columns.
Dim dr As DataRowView
Dim rng As Range
Dim rows As Integer = 0
Dim col As Integer = 0
Dim blnHeading As Boolean = False
Dim temp As String = "" 'Temporary string to hold the state name
Dim nTotal As Integer = 0
rng = ws.Range("B3")
For Each dr In dv
For col = 0 To colLength
If col = 0 Then
'We want to create 1 state label per state; therefore if
the agency is in the same state don't reprint the state.
If String.Compare(temp,
CType(dr.Row(colArray(col).ToString()), String)) <> 0 Then
temp = CType(dr.Row(colArray(col).ToString()), String)
rng.Offset(rows, col).Value = temp.ToString()
GetCount(nTotal, product, dv, temp.ToString())
blnHeading = True
rng.Offset(rows, col).Value = ""
End If
'Print out the other values.
rng.Offset(rows, col).Value =
If col = colLength And blnHeading = True Then
col += 1
rng.Offset(rows, col).Value = nTotal.ToString()
col -= 1
blnHeading = False 'reset the flag
End If
End If
Next col
If col = colLength Then
col = 0
End If
rows += 1
End Sub
applications that a client has by state and print this information from my
..net app to an excel file. I'm using a dataview to filter and sort the
records so that I can print all of the Florida client together in column then
all the North Carolina clients and so forth. So I have 3 columns (state,
agency, and total) ; in order to prevent the list showing the state each time
for each client I print the respected state compare it to the next state name
in the dataview and if it's the same I don't reprint the state just move over
to the next row and print the client name. Everything works fine except for
my NC client list. The NC client list is the largest with 59 names and 59
names print with a correct total but it doesn't print the first 8 which are
agencies with A and B names and it duplicates the first 8 that was printed if
that makes since. I've been working on this for ever and can't figure out why
it's doing what it's doing.The problem is in the WriteToData Sub. The bad
thing about this is I wrote the Sub but can't figure out what I'm doing
wrong. Can someone check behind my code and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Private Sub CreateAppList(ByVal eApp As Application, ByVal ws As Worksheet,
ByRef dv As DataView)
'Cast the worksheet into the appWorkSheet object
Dim appWorkSheet As Worksheet = DirectCast(eApp.Worksheets("APP"),
appWorkSheet.Activate() 'Activate the worksheet
'Cast the current worksheet into the ws object
ws = DirectCast(eApp.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)
Dim headingArray() As String = {"STATE", "AGENCY", "TOTAL"}
Dim rowArray() As String = {"B2", "C2", "D2"}
CreateHeadings(headingArray, rowArray, ws, headingArray.Length -
dv.RowFilter = "app=1"
dv.Sort = "state, agencyname"
Dim colArray() As String = {"state", "agencyname"}
WriteOutData(colArray, "app", ws, dv, colArray.Length - 1)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub WriteOutData(ByVal colArray() As String, ByVal product As
String, ByRef ws As Worksheet, ByRef dv As DataView, _
ByVal colLength As Integer)
'Writes out the data to the columns.
Dim dr As DataRowView
Dim rng As Range
Dim rows As Integer = 0
Dim col As Integer = 0
Dim blnHeading As Boolean = False
Dim temp As String = "" 'Temporary string to hold the state name
Dim nTotal As Integer = 0
rng = ws.Range("B3")
For Each dr In dv
For col = 0 To colLength
If col = 0 Then
'We want to create 1 state label per state; therefore if
the agency is in the same state don't reprint the state.
If String.Compare(temp,
CType(dr.Row(colArray(col).ToString()), String)) <> 0 Then
temp = CType(dr.Row(colArray(col).ToString()), String)
rng.Offset(rows, col).Value = temp.ToString()
GetCount(nTotal, product, dv, temp.ToString())
blnHeading = True
rng.Offset(rows, col).Value = ""
End If
'Print out the other values.
rng.Offset(rows, col).Value =
If col = colLength And blnHeading = True Then
col += 1
rng.Offset(rows, col).Value = nTotal.ToString()
col -= 1
blnHeading = False 'reset the flag
End If
End If
Next col
If col = colLength Then
col = 0
End If
rows += 1
End Sub