Issue with Data form Wizard ASP.NET?

  • Thread starter Thread starter David C. Allen
  • Start date Start date

David C. Allen

I am following thru the examples in the book I am studying for my MCSD. This
is the web applications book.

One example is to use the data form wizard to create a simple data form on
the northwind customers table.When I try to run the code after the wizard
has generated the form I get several compile errors like this:

D:\Projects\DOTNET\MCSD\70-305\305C05\dsCustOrders.vb(86): Reference
required to assembly 'System.Xml' containing the implemented interface
'System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable'. Add one to your project.

When I looked at the generated code there is a
Imports System.Xml


Anyone know what this error means?

The Imports key word just imports the namespace.

Since the required interface is defined in another assembly, you need to
physically refernce this assembly. In project explorer, right click
references, add... then find the reference you need, System.Xml.

If you are not using the ide to compile, you should be able to specify the
references using a switch on the command line. Since i am not familiar with
the VB compiler, you will have to look that one up.

Tom Wisnowski
I just checked the references and System.Xml is already there.

Are there any known issues with the Data Form Wizard?

Here is the beginning of the Autogenerated code:


' <autogenerated>

' This code was generated by a tool.

' Runtime Version: 1.1.4322.2032


' Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if

' the code is regenerated.

' </autogenerated>


Option Strict Off

Option Explicit On

Imports System

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Runtime.Serialization

Imports System.Xml

<Serializable(), _

System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code"), _

System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough(), _

System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(true)> _

Public Class dsCustOrders

Inherits DataSet

Here is the beginning of the Autogenerated code:

The last line that says Inherits DataSet has DataSet underlined in the IDE
and the error I described bellow is flagged for it.
I found the problem. I deleted the reference to System.XML and added it back
in. It added back in as lower cases system.xml. Not sure why it fixed it but
it did.