Windows XP Issas.exe error message at start-up VIRUS?

Jan 2, 2008
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I am running Windows XP home edition on a Compaq Presario 2500 laptop. AVG 7.5 is installed and runs automatically.
When I turned on my somputer, having been using normally earlier in the day, I was greeted with a system error message stating Issas.exe error (NOT LSSAS), telling me to reboot in safe mode. I click ok, it restarts and just get the same message, whether use safe mode, last working mode etc etc.
Believe this is a virus, but as I can't get past the start up page, I don' know where to go from here.
I have a new external hard drive, but hadnt saved anything to it before it crashed!

please help

Please shut down your computer. Just in case,pull out the power cable for 30 seconds. Turn it on again and restart in safe mode. Go to DOS promt or Start>Run>type in:regedit
Click enter, search for ass or issas (watch out there is a file named lssas.exe-with 'l').
Remove the string named ass and issas.
Close regedit.
Go to teh system32 folder and search files for files named Issas.exe and remove the file ( delete it ), but before that look at the date and delete all files created at the same time in that folder.
Thanks, as its a laptop and will have a full battery power, do I still need to remove the power cable, or let it run down naturally so there is no power to it??
Could always take the battery off for 30 seconds instead ;)

By the way I read that solution from google as well - not sure it will do the whole job though....
Sorry, I need a little conformation on the spelling ...

You sure we ain't talking about the Sasser Worm ?

Try issuing the abort shutdown command ...

Click Start, run
Type ... shutdown -A ... and hit enter

Download Stinger and run it. It's a stand-alone progrem that can be run from anywhere.

Hi, I've done as you've all asked - shut down, disconnected power, rebooted in safe mode etc etc, but all I get is the same pop up window saying ISASS.EXE system error - Invalid handle with a code error ending 008. I've read this is a sasser worm, and have been advised to remove the string from Start> Run> Regedit command - but I can't get to any command prompt page at all, as cannot get past the error message, and automatic shut down to reboot.
No, you didn 't do what you had to.
You must delete that Issas.exe file as I told you in my first post on this topic. Please do all as explained and then post back for results.
Good luck