I have a class called Page that contains 2 members, TextObjectArray and
ImageObjectArray as follows:
public class Page
public Page(int pageN)
// TODO: Add constructor lmilogic here
pageNumber = pageN;
private int pageNumber;
private ArrayList textObjectsArray;
private ArrayList imageObjectsArray;
I'll need to come up with a method to sort both TextObjectArray and
ImageObjectArray. I was advised to use ISortable interface. Who can
advise me on how to implement the ISortable interface and to use it for
sorting TextObjectArray and ImageObjectArray? Thanks a bunch?
ImageObjectArray as follows:
public class Page
public Page(int pageN)
// TODO: Add constructor lmilogic here
pageNumber = pageN;
private int pageNumber;
private ArrayList textObjectsArray;
private ArrayList imageObjectsArray;
I'll need to come up with a method to sort both TextObjectArray and
ImageObjectArray. I was advised to use ISortable interface. Who can
advise me on how to implement the ISortable interface and to use it for
sorting TextObjectArray and ImageObjectArray? Thanks a bunch?