I'm thinking of buying a used PowerMac 603 running Mac OS 9.1 and I'd like
to sometimes use Windows s/w or games on it (I'm not insane, honest. I just
have a ton of software for PC and hate to waste it. And the deal on the Mac
is too good to pass up - can't get the equivalent in PC for the price and I
am on a severely limited budget)
what I know:
- apparently Mac OS X won't run on it - so I'm stuck at 9.1
- I can probably partition the HD (or add a 2nd), but I don't know whether
that means I can run another OS (f'rinstance W98) in another partition
- maybe a VM? or a Windows emulator? (is there such a thing?) and how well
would that work?; would the drivers or video card futz it up; etc
- I might be able to home-network an old PC or 2 (& by "old" I mean old
and slow and not much drivespace) or a C64 (lol) to it, but I'm not sure
how that will help
??? suggestions? TIA!
to sometimes use Windows s/w or games on it (I'm not insane, honest. I just
have a ton of software for PC and hate to waste it. And the deal on the Mac
is too good to pass up - can't get the equivalent in PC for the price and I
am on a severely limited budget)
what I know:
- apparently Mac OS X won't run on it - so I'm stuck at 9.1
- I can probably partition the HD (or add a 2nd), but I don't know whether
that means I can run another OS (f'rinstance W98) in another partition
- maybe a VM? or a Windows emulator? (is there such a thing?) and how well
would that work?; would the drivers or video card futz it up; etc
- I might be able to home-network an old PC or 2 (& by "old" I mean old
and slow and not much drivespace) or a C64 (lol) to it, but I'm not sure
how that will help
??? suggestions? TIA!