ISO: way to run PC programs on a PowerMac

  • Thread starter Thread starter wyrwolf
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I'm thinking of buying a used PowerMac 603 running Mac OS 9.1 and I'd like
to sometimes use Windows s/w or games on it (I'm not insane, honest. I just
have a ton of software for PC and hate to waste it. And the deal on the Mac
is too good to pass up - can't get the equivalent in PC for the price and I
am on a severely limited budget)

what I know:
- apparently Mac OS X won't run on it - so I'm stuck at 9.1
- I can probably partition the HD (or add a 2nd), but I don't know whether
that means I can run another OS (f'rinstance W98) in another partition
- maybe a VM? or a Windows emulator? (is there such a thing?) and how well
would that work?; would the drivers or video card futz it up; etc
- I might be able to home-network an old PC or 2 (& by "old" I mean old
and slow and not much drivespace) or a C64 (lol) to it, but I'm not sure
how that will help

??? suggestions? TIA!
wyrwolf > /dev/null :
I'm thinking of buying a used PowerMac 603 running Mac OS 9.1 and I'd like
to sometimes use Windows s/w or games on it (I'm not insane, honest. I just
have a ton of software for PC and hate to waste it. And the deal on the Mac
is too good to pass up - can't get the equivalent in PC for the price and I
am on a severely limited budget)

what I know:
- apparently Mac OS X won't run on it - so I'm stuck at 9.1
- I can probably partition the HD (or add a 2nd), but I don't know whether
that means I can run another OS (f'rinstance W98) in another partition

You can't run Windows -- CPU architetures are different.
Macintosh is PowerPC and PC is x86.
- maybe a VM? or a Windows emulator? (is there such a thing?) and how well
would that work?; would the drivers or video card futz it up; etc

Bochs - - is a x86 emulator and runs on Mac OS 9.

Chaos Master®, posting from Brazil.
"It's not what it seems, not what you think. No, I must be dreaming." | | (in Portuguese)
if you want to run windows you will have to buy a copy of virtualpc,install it
and then install windows as virtual harddrive.
You could keep you PC and run the apps on the PC from the mac using
realvnc??? As long as they are not graphically intensive it may do.

If you were really sad you could install linux on the mac and run the
PC apps through WINE !!!
Darren [[email protected]] escreveu:
If you were really sad you could install linux on the mac and run the
PC apps through WINE !!!

You can't. PC programs are compiled to i386 (any PC CPU newer than a 386)
, while Macintosh is PowerPC CPU.

Programs aren't compatible between those CPU's.

Chaos Master®, posting from Brazil.
"It's not what it seems, not what you think. No, I must be dreaming." | | (in Portuguese)