What is prefered way to check whether a is a numeric value
Is ther something like IsNumeric function in VB6
Is ther something like IsNumeric function in VB6
VJ said:The same IsNumeric is available in VB.NET, but the recomendation is to use
the RegEx functions..
can you point me to those test?(in the tests I did a while ago, at least).
can you point me to those test?
Tryparse actually throws an exception on an invalid format. I'm not sure
that a live exception is faster than a regex compilation and execution.
It would make sense that if the data was significantly faulty, or perhaps
generally unknown that the use of a regex would be a suitable optimization
to avoid the run-time exceptions.
mikeb said:I've seen you put forth and defend this algorithm several times. I
suggest you add this to your FAQ - maybe in the "Converting to C# from
VB.NET" section. It's not only a FAQ, but it's one that seems to get
you sucked into a lengthy explanation each time.