mark r
on the ---> line I get error message:
run time 2447
there is an invalid use of .(dot) or ! operator or
invalid parenthesis
Private sub form_timer()
for each ctl in me.controls
if me.newrecord = true then
if ctl.tag = "checkred" then
--> if isnull(ctl.value) then
if ctl.backcolor = vbyellow then
else if ctl.backcolor=vbred then
else ctl.backcolor=vbwhite
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
run time 2447
there is an invalid use of .(dot) or ! operator or
invalid parenthesis
Private sub form_timer()
for each ctl in me.controls
if me.newrecord = true then
if ctl.tag = "checkred" then
--> if isnull(ctl.value) then
if ctl.backcolor = vbyellow then
else if ctl.backcolor=vbred then
else ctl.backcolor=vbwhite
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if