isn't winXP SP2 compatible with Norton.Symantec.Antivirus?


cizu jones

I've heard from serveral people having problems with
Norton.Symantec.Antivirus and winXP SP2. It's more or less constantly
crashing/not loading correctly. I tried this myself with a fresh install
of XP and patched up to SP2 without internetconnection and installed the
antivirus package. Guess what? same problem... 1 out of 6 times I'm lucky
and get them both up and running just fine.
End of story - I had to follow my friends advice use AVG's
antivirus-package instead. Now everything works fine.

Is this a commonly known problem?

Carey Frisch [MVP]

I've had to issues whatsoever with SP2 and Norton Antivirus.
What version of Norton are you using?

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!



| I've heard from serveral people having problems with
| Norton.Symantec.Antivirus and winXP SP2. It's more or less constantly
| crashing/not loading correctly. I tried this myself with a fresh install
| of XP and patched up to SP2 without internetconnection and installed the
| antivirus package. Guess what? same problem... 1 out of 6 times I'm lucky
| and get them both up and running just fine.
| End of story - I had to follow my friends advice use AVG's
| antivirus-package instead. Now everything works fine.
| Is this a commonly known problem?

StringFellow Hawk

I've had no issues with neither of my 2 workstations (NAV 2004 and NAV 2005)
or neither with my laptop (NAV 2003) - all work fine.

Hans-Georg Michna

I've heard from serveral people having problems with
Norton.Symantec.Antivirus and winXP SP2. It's more or less constantly
crashing/not loading correctly. I tried this myself with a fresh install
of XP and patched up to SP2 without internetconnection and installed the
antivirus package. Guess what? same problem... 1 out of 6 times I'm lucky
and get them both up and running just fine.
End of story - I had to follow my friends advice use AVG's
antivirus-package instead. Now everything works fine.

Is this a commonly known problem?


I believe it is a widely known problem. I mention it on my web
site, for example on

As with most errors, the problem does not occur everywhere all
the time. It is also possible that the user causes it by not
setting up the program properly or by using an obsolete version.
But I have certainly seen many complaints and a number of cases
in which uninstalling Norton software solved a networking

I have recommended not to use Norton/Symantec software for a few
years already, because I have seen some very nasty problems
caused by it.


cizu jones

Den Wed, 27 Oct 2004 16:04:36 -0500, skrev Carey Frisch [MVP]:
I've had to issues whatsoever with SP2 and Norton Antivirus.
What version of Norton are you using?

I was using Norton 2005

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