IsLoaded Property

  • Thread starter Thread starter CrazyAccessProgrammer
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I'm trying to use the Isloaded property in Access 2007 to determine if a form
is loaded but I can't seem to get the syntax correct. Access Help talks
breifly about this property but provides no example for it. Can anyone show
me the proper syntax?
I should have searched on this before asking a question that's been asked and
answered a zillion times. My apologies. For anyone who reads this the syntax

Here's a few functions I've come across for various form
evaluation/manipulation, they might be of some interest...

Public Function IsFormOpen(ByVal fName As String) As Boolean
Dim bExists As Boolean
Dim frm As Form
For Each frm In Forms
If UCase(fName) = UCase(frm.Name) Then
bExists = True
Exit For
End If
IsFormOpen = bExists
End Function

Public Function CloseAllForms(Optional strExceptions As String = "F1;F2") As
'Close Open Forms except those passed in argument, semi-colon delimited.
'InStr test below includes Semi-Colons so to prevent leaving open a form
'with a partiallly matching form name.
On Error GoTo CloseAllForms_Error

Dim obj As Object
Dim strName As String

CloseAllForms = True

If Left(strExceptions, 1) <> ";" Then strExceptions = ";" & strExceptions
If Right(strExceptions, 1) <> ";" Then strExceptions = strExceptions & ";"

For Each obj In Application.CurrentProject.AllForms
If InStr(strExceptions, ";" & obj.Name & ";") = 0 Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, obj.Name
End If
Next obj

Exit Function
CloseAllForms = False
xHandler Err.Number, Err.Description, _
"mod_System", "CloseAllForms"
Resume CloseAllForms_Exit
End Function

' Returns True if the specified forms are open
' Optional aExceptions: string of exceptions, semicolon delimite
Public Function CheckForOpenForms( _
Optional aExceptions As String = "") As Boolean
On Error GoTo Error_CheckForOpenForms
Dim bRet As Boolean
bRet = False
Dim obj As Object
Dim iCount As Integer

If Left(aExceptions, 1) <> ";" Then aExceptions = ";" & aExceptions
If Right(aExceptions, 1) <> ";" Then aExceptions = aExceptions & ";"

iCount = 0

For Each obj In Application.CurrentProject.AllForms
If (InStr(1, aExceptions, ";" & obj.Name & ";") = 0) Then
iCount = IIf(IsFormOpen(obj.Name) = True, iCount + 1, iCount)
End If
Next obj

bRet = IIf(iCount = 0, False, True)


CheckForOpenForms = bRet
Exit Function
Dim xM As String: xM = ""
Dim xB As Long: xB = 16
Dim xT As String: xT = "Error"
Dim xS As Boolean: xS = True
Dim xE As Long: xE = 0
xHandler Err.Number, Err.Description, _
"mod_sObjOps", "CheckForOpenForms", xM, xB, xT, xS, xE
Resume Exit_CheckForOpenForms
End Function

IsFormOpen I'm not sure where it came from.... I got it a while ago from
somewhere but apparently didn't take any information with it.

CloseAllForms: credit given through the link at the top

CheckForOpenForms: I modified CloseAllForms to check to see if any are open.
Useful for user prompt conditional on a logout

You'll have to edit the error handling, everything should be ready to run.

Jack Leach

- "First, get your information. Then, you can distort it at your leisure."
- Mark Twain