From the answer of a previous post I learned that there is Annex A and
Annex B. A modem for Annex B (in my case one from the US) will not work
on Annex A. The setup I currently have looks like this: ISDN connection
goes to an ADSL splitter. One part goes out to a ADSL modem for ISDN
which then is connected to a PC via USB. The other output goes to the
ISDN box that has two S-Bus and 2 a/b outputs.
What comes out from the splitter to the modem must be connected to an
Annex B modem (ADSL over ISDN). The question now is, could I connect an
Annex A modem (ADSL over POTS) to one of the a/b ports on the ISDN box
and connect to the internet?
I assume the provider does not really care what you have POTS or ISDN.
It is the telecommunication company that puts the ADSL signal in the
appropriate frequency range depending on if you have POTS or ISDN. If
this is correct then the above suggestion is unlikely to work.
On the other hand maybe neither the telecommunication company nor the
ISP cares and they send the signal always at the ADSL signal always in
the same frequency (above the 140kHz or so for ISDN). In that case
maybe there is a solution?
Any input is appreciated.
Annex B. A modem for Annex B (in my case one from the US) will not work
on Annex A. The setup I currently have looks like this: ISDN connection
goes to an ADSL splitter. One part goes out to a ADSL modem for ISDN
which then is connected to a PC via USB. The other output goes to the
ISDN box that has two S-Bus and 2 a/b outputs.
What comes out from the splitter to the modem must be connected to an
Annex B modem (ADSL over ISDN). The question now is, could I connect an
Annex A modem (ADSL over POTS) to one of the a/b ports on the ISDN box
and connect to the internet?
I assume the provider does not really care what you have POTS or ISDN.
It is the telecommunication company that puts the ADSL signal in the
appropriate frequency range depending on if you have POTS or ISDN. If
this is correct then the above suggestion is unlikely to work.
On the other hand maybe neither the telecommunication company nor the
ISP cares and they send the signal always at the ADSL signal always in
the same frequency (above the 140kHz or so for ISDN). In that case
maybe there is a solution?
Any input is appreciated.