


Hello (converting from vb to c#),

Is there a way to test the value of null of a particular field of a dataset
from SQL Server? I am going through a dataset and trying to determine if
the value being sent is Null using IsDBNull. I am using the following:

if (! IsDBNull(spCurrentHighLgt["strTitle"])) this.ltlCHLTitle.Text =

However, I am getting the error that the name "IsDBNull" does not exist in
the current context. I also tried the following, but am not sure if its
testing for what I want:

if (spCurrentHighLgt["strTitle"].ToString() != null) this.ltlCHLTitle.Text =

Any help with this would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


full code:

//'Open connection to database
OleDbConnection cnnSearch = new OleDbConnection(strConn);

//'Populate the data fields: Text Box
OleDbParameter prmCurrentHighLgt;
OleDbCommand cmdSearch = new OleDbCommand(str00, cnnSearch);
cmdSearch.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

//'Declare Parameters
prmCurrentHighLgt = cmdSearch.Parameters.Add("@strParm01",
OleDbType.VarChar); prmCurrentHighLgt.Value = str01;
using (OleDbDataReader spCurrentHighLgt = cmdSearch.ExecuteReader())
//'Test for records and to Unhide Submital Information
if (spCurrentHighLgt.HasRows) {
while (spCurrentHighLgt.Read())
if (spCurrentHighLgt["strTitle"].ToString() != null)
this.ltlCHLTitle.Text = spCurrentHighLgt["strTitle"].ToString();
if (spCurrentHighLgt["strContent"].ToString() != null)
this.ltlCHLContent.Text = spCurrentHighLgt["strContent"].ToString();
} //Loop

//this.pnlRecordsFound.Visible = true;

//'Close DataReader
//'Close out connection to database

Walter Wang [MSFT]

You may also check out following articles for more information on DBNull:

#Handling Null Values

#How To: Make a Typed DataSet Return a Default Value Instead of DBNull by
Using Visual Basic .NET;en-us;318039

Walter Wang ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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that others may learn and benefit from your issue.

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Ken Fine

This is an indirect answer to your question... but.... if you use an
object-relational mapping framework such as dOOdads (free, great), it builds
a bunch of so-called "string methods" for your data fields, and you can test
easily against those. Just another option to look at in addition to the
other suggestions folks have made.


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