ISDATE() took 8 seconds to complete ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter MT
  • Start date Start date


Platform : VB.NET 2003
I have code as below.
Question: The 8 seconds only occured on the 1st time the code run. If I
click the button again , the interval become smaller than 1 seconds. This
sympton occured on multiple development PC that run the .NET 2003. Any idea
why is that ?

* Code :

Private Sub btnTiming_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnTiming.Click
Dim blnResult As Boolean

Debug.WriteLine("start time: " & Now())
blnResult = IsDate("88/88/8888")
Debug.WriteLine("end time: " & Now())

End Sub

* Output Result show:
start time: 8/15/2006 5:32:14 PM
end time: 8/15/2006 5:32:22 PM
| Any idea
| why is that ?
The benefits (and also pitfalls) of JIT compiling.

Remember that VB.NET creates MSIL code. At run time the CLR converts your
MSIL code into executable code the first time you execute a routine.
Subsequent calls to that routine will be faster as the JIT itself has
already been complete.

NOTE: The JIT steps occurs each time you execute the program. You can use
NGEN to pre-JIT your assembly, however I understand that a JIT still

Hope this helps
Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]
..NET Application Architect, Enthusiast, & Evangelist
T.S. Bradley -

| Platform : VB.NET 2003
| I have code as below.
| Question: The 8 seconds only occured on the 1st time the code run. If I
| click the button again , the interval become smaller than 1 seconds. This
| sympton occured on multiple development PC that run the .NET 2003. Any
| why is that ?
| * Code :
| Private Sub btnTiming_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
| System.EventArgs) Handles btnTiming.Click
| Dim blnResult As Boolean
| Debug.WriteLine("start time: " & Now())
| blnResult = IsDate("88/88/8888")
| Debug.WriteLine("end time: " & Now())
| End Sub
| * Output Result show:
| start time: 8/15/2006 5:32:14 PM
| end time: 8/15/2006 5:32:22 PM

That is because in VBNet 2003 the ISDate is using the standard error try
catch mechanisme inside. Therefore that time is only the first time taking
so much time. This is now changed with a TryCast in VB2005, therefore this
behaviour should be changed also in the VB2005 version.

However the time you call is extremely long, is this done on an slow

I hope this gives an idea,

uh you do realize that 88/88/8888 is not a date,.

is it a lot faster if it is a real date?