Lionel Schiepers
I rencently tested an web application with ISAPI extensions that internally
use managed extensions but the call to the ISAPI failed. I receive the
following message: "A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine
failed." in my browser. These ISAPI extension work when they execute under
W2K or WXP.
To reproduce the problem, I've create a simple isapi extension with visual
studio 2002 and visual studio 2003 and changed the code with:
At the top of the file
#if defined(_MANAGED)
#using "System.dll"
using namespace System;
Changed the implementation of Default(CHttpServerContext* pCtxt) to:
void Cisapi2002Extension:
efault(CHttpServerContext* pCtxt)
*pCtxt << _T("ISAPI 2002<BR>");
#if defined(_MANAGED)
*pCtxt << _T("MANAGED<BR>");
String *s=String::Concat(S"", S"");
*pCtxt << _T("NOT MANAGED<BR>");
The ISAPI works if the project is not compiled with Assembly support.
Is there any workaround to use ISAPI extensions that use internally .NET
under IIS6 ?
Lionel Schiepers (Lionel.Schiepers at advalvas dot be)
Bureau van Dijk Electronic Publishing
Tel: 32-2-639 06 06
Av. Louise, 250 B14
B1050 Brussels
use managed extensions but the call to the ISAPI failed. I receive the
following message: "A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine
failed." in my browser. These ISAPI extension work when they execute under
W2K or WXP.
To reproduce the problem, I've create a simple isapi extension with visual
studio 2002 and visual studio 2003 and changed the code with:
At the top of the file
#if defined(_MANAGED)
#using "System.dll"
using namespace System;
Changed the implementation of Default(CHttpServerContext* pCtxt) to:
void Cisapi2002Extension:

*pCtxt << _T("ISAPI 2002<BR>");
#if defined(_MANAGED)
*pCtxt << _T("MANAGED<BR>");
String *s=String::Concat(S"", S"");
*pCtxt << _T("NOT MANAGED<BR>");
The ISAPI works if the project is not compiled with Assembly support.
Is there any workaround to use ISAPI extensions that use internally .NET
under IIS6 ?
Lionel Schiepers (Lionel.Schiepers at advalvas dot be)
Bureau van Dijk Electronic Publishing
Tel: 32-2-639 06 06
Av. Louise, 250 B14
B1050 Brussels