Yes but most advanced users disable it.
Not most advanced users I know. Can you document this?
I removed it at multiple locations - from Windows Components
Not possible in Vista unless it was an upgrade from XP. Once removed, it
cannot be reinstalled. Why go through that trouble when disabling the
service is sufficient?
Disabled, not removed.
but most fundamental is to disable it in Administrative Console.
Same function as in services.
I don't have time how to explain how to get to Administrative Tools,
Then why bother answering at all? Helping other users involves giving up
your time.
turn off UAC which may interfer with disabling Defender, etc, etc.
Turning off UAC is another bad idea, quite often misunderstood and much
maligned. A properly run system can have UAC running without any
interference whatsoever. The ironic part is that this protection mechanism
is no different than the one implemented by linux systems, a requirement to
self-elevate, only the implementation is different.
All I can say is for advanced users all this garbage is the entire reason
Vista was a fiasco. This nasty things gets in the way and slows you down
versus WinXP.
Vista has more overhead than XP, and when run on XP-era hardware will be
slower and that's part of the problem. Users wanted the new OS on their old
system and expected it to perform better, and this has been a problem with
every new iteration of Windows. Vista got a bad rap because it also included
the new protection mechanisms which were frequently blamed for the
performance loss, but in reality had little to do with it. At worst, UAC is
annoying when setting up a new system and installing software, as it takes
all of what, maybe 5 seconds to be acknowledged in order to prevent a user
from being infected by malware usurping user privilege? Terrible thing to
have to put a user through....maybe they should go back to letting users get
infected sight-unseen.
It's funny how people have such selective memory, talking about how great XP
is. I can still recall all the hollering about XP's mickey-mouse interface
(just google the XP groups from 2001 if you want to see for yourself) and
how it would never be accepted in the corporate world.....
Best of Luck,
Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP
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