is Vista compatible with the IDE of VB6 and VB7 (.net) ?

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I support some legacy applications and use both VB6 and VB7 (.net)
development environments on a Windows XP computer. The machine is due for
replacement. The question is - can I install vb6 and on a Vista pc? Is
it compatible or does the replacement computer need to have XP on it? Does
the .net framework 1.1 work OK on Vista?
DavidAvisoft said:
I support some legacy applications and use both VB6 and VB7 (.net)
development environments on a Windows XP computer. The machine is due for
replacement. The question is - can I install vb6 and on a Vista pc?
it compatible or does the replacement computer need to have XP on it? Does
the .net framework 1.1 work OK on Vista?

Visual Basic .NET (v7) is definitely not supported in Vista. That doesn't
necessarily mean it can't be done, but serious problems have been reported,
especially with the debugger.
As to v6, I'm not sure (haven't used it in a loooong time). You'll get the
answer to that quicker if you post in a legacy VB group, something in the
microsoft.public.vb category. You can also search Google Groups for existing
articles on installing VB6 on Vista. A quick glance indicates that some get
it to work and others have all sorts of problems.

The big joke was that the VS6 suite did work on Vista as the VS.Net suite
did not , however since then there are servicapacks released wich should
solve the majority of problems
i hear my collegues still complaining about the fact that connections to
team system dissapear and that they must map all drives with shared code
instead of browsing to it with the server name , and that the dataset
designer is verry slow on vista with 2005 ,, but for the rest ,,,,,
Yes it works ,,, however in XP it works bether that is the reasson why i
wait until everything is fixed before moving to Vista


DavidAvisoft said:
I support some legacy applications and use both VB6 and VB7 (.net)
development environments on a Windows XP computer. The machine is due for
replacement. The question is - can I install vb6 and on a Vista pc? Is
it compatible or does the replacement computer need to have XP on it? Does
the .net framework 1.1 work OK on Vista?

For anything serious, I develop in WinXP - period. I do most debugging in
WinXP, some debugging in Win98 and some debugging in WinV (Vista). I never
allow different programming languages or software development suites to
share the same operating system. There is simply too much potential for
surprises - and before I adopted this policy, I had a very embarrassing
surprise - so I've learned not to trust developers with stars in their eyes
about their own work! :^)
I support some legacy applications and use both VB6 and VB7 (.net)
development environments on a Windows XP computer. The machine is due
for replacement. The question is - can I install vb6 and on a
Vista pc? Is it compatible or does the replacement computer need to
have XP on it? Does the .net framework 1.1 work OK on Vista?

If you are using vista, you likely have a reasonably beefy pc, I would therefore
suggest that you install VPC2007 (Free from microsoft). and then install
vb6 and vb7 in a virtual xp machine.
Thank you for the replies everyone. It sounds like the safest answer is get
a new pc with XP not Vista. Though the solution of running VB6 / 7 via
virtualisation sounds neat, but I can't help thinking this may lead to
strange, difficult to solve problems. The more layers of complexity
introduced and more scope for things to go wrong, also I guess more impact on
machine performance?
DavidAvisoft <[email protected]>'s wild
thoughts were released on Sun, 9 Sep 2007 06:50:01 -0700
bearing the following fruit:
Thank you for the replies everyone. It sounds like the safest answer is get
a new pc with XP not Vista. Though the solution of running VB6 / 7 via
virtualisation sounds neat, but I can't help thinking this may lead to
strange, difficult to solve problems. The more layers of complexity
introduced and more scope for things to go wrong, also I guess more impact on
machine performance?

I use VB6 and VS2005 on a Vista machine. So far no problems
in the last 9 months.
DavidAvisoft said:
Thank you for the replies everyone. It sounds like the safest answer is get
a new pc with XP not Vista. Though the solution of running VB6 / 7 via
virtualisation sounds neat, but I can't help thinking this may lead to
strange, difficult to solve problems. The more layers of complexity
introduced and more scope for things to go wrong, also I guess more impact on
machine performance?

The important thing to note here is that "VB7", a.k.a. VB'2002 is not
supported on Vista.

"VB7.1", a.k.a. VB'2003 is not supported on Vista.

The only ".Net" version of Visual Basic that is officially ssupported on
Vista is "VB8", a.k.a. VB'2005, /with/ its Service Pack 1.

Oh; that and VB "Proper", of course, with its SP6. :-))

Phill W.