is this worth having

Aug 14, 2008
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Want something to back up my importnat documents and my photos on as my laptop is getting a bit ancient and I am conscious it may pack up soon.

I have an SD card for photos but thought something more substantial may be worth while. Is this worth it

I don't have loads of stuff, mainly word documents, and photos so is the SD card sufficient?
External storage is ideal for backups :). That particular one also seems like good value.

If you don't need to backup many things, 1TB may be overkill though. How many GB's of data do you need? You may find that an 8GB USB drive will be able to store most of your data. If you want to take complete images of your drive or perform incremental backups then a larger external hard drive is a better option.
That 1Tb drive is as good as any, so yes, that'll do but that's a helluva lot of space if you don't have a great deal of data.

But nothing mechanical is failsafe and anything with moving parts or dependent on electronics can always fail at any time and that includes your laptop and that hard drive.

An SD card is ok but I wouldn't trust important data to one, too flimsy for my liking, consider a USB stick.

But if I were in your shoes and didn't have a great deal of data to back up, I'd burn it all to DVD's for safe keeping. DVD-R's are a cheap media, typically 10p each so you could burn two copies of each data disc and then store the second set at a remote location for extra security against fire, theft, the unexpected.

If you don't have burning facilities on your laptop consider getting an external DVDRW drive to connect via USB to back up your data, an external DVDRW is always a handy thing to have you can burn CD's and DVD-R's with it. They're typically a little less to buy than the external disk you've linked to.

However, if the data you want to back up is more than, say, 32Gb (8 DVD-R's aprox) then go with the external hard drive, anything over 32Gb in my opinion is too many DVD-R's to make things practical.