Is this Vlookup



To simplify my problem, I have 2 wooksheets. On sheet1 i have 2
columns that I need to reference. Col_B has old ref and Col_Z has new
While on Sheet2 I have Col_K which is the same as Col_B on shee1 (old
ref). Whilst they both contain the old ref numbers they are not in the
same order and indeed sheet2 has many old refs missing.
On sheet2 I need to create a new column (Col_M) which contains the New
Ref ie same as Col_Z on sheet1.
So I need to match Col_B (sheet1) with Col_K (sheet2) and then copy
over Col_Z (sheet1) to Col_M. (sheet2) What is the best way to achive
this please.



One way ..

In Sheet2,
Put in M1:
Copy down as far as required.

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