is this possible within access2003?

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Hi all..

What I would like to do is create a drop down menu.....but one that looks
something like this:

Page 1
Page 2
Page 2

Instead of having buttons do this for me.. I would like a drop down menu....
Sort of like when you go to File>>Exit.....etc... in a windows program...
Is this possible from with in access2003? I have done some searching on the
web and with in access but any time I do a search for drop down menu or tool
bar, I get items that are related to the web or how to customize the ones
that are in access.....

Set the combo Row Source Value Type as Value List and insert (into the Row
Source) "Page 1";"Page 2";"Page 3";"Exit"
In the "After Update" event, just have an If/Then/Else (or Case if you
prefer) statement that checks the value of your combo box and either
opens a form or exits the application.

Or are you talking about a menu item? If you want to customize your
menus that's a completely different animal.
To agree with Manningfan the type of code you would need for the AfterUpdate
would look something like this. (Change the ComboName and FormName to
whatever you use)

Private Sub ComboName_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo ComboName_AfterUpdate_Err

If (Forms! FormName! ComboName = "page 1") Then
DoCmd.GoToPage 1
End If
If (Forms! FormName! ComboName = "page 2") Then
DoCmd.GoToPage 2
End If
If (Forms! FormName! ComboName = "page 3") Then
DoCmd.GoToPage 3
End If
If (Forms! FormName! ComboName = "Exit") Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, "FormName"
End If

ComboName _AfterUpdate_Exit:
Exit Sub
Yes. Create a custom toolbar. Right click in the toolbar area and select
Customize. select the Toolbars tab and select New. This will give you a
floating toolbar that you can allow to float or you can anchor it in the
toolbar area. The Commands tab has all the items you can place on the
toolbar. To create the menu like you described, go to the bottom of the
Categories list and select New Menu then drag the New menu from the Commands
to you new toolbar. You can then left click it and it will open a dropdown
in which you can add more commands. I wouldn't put the Exit on a dropdown
but as a seperate command on the toolbar itself.
Hope this helps.
Wayne.. thanks for the code... I think this is what I was going for...
Basically I am trying to give the form a "windows" type look.... IE...
File>print page>data entry page>or exit the application. I want this type of
look instead of having the normal access buttons...

Thansk again I will try this out...

To agree with Manningfan the type of code you would need for the AfterUpdate
would look something like this. (Change the ComboName and FormName to
whatever you use)

Private Sub ComboName_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo ComboName_AfterUpdate_Err

If (Forms! FormName! ComboName = "page 1") Then
DoCmd.GoToPage 1
End If
If (Forms! FormName! ComboName = "page 2") Then
DoCmd.GoToPage 2
End If
If (Forms! FormName! ComboName = "page 3") Then
DoCmd.GoToPage 3
End If
If (Forms! FormName! ComboName = "Exit") Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, "FormName"
End If

ComboName _AfterUpdate_Exit:
Exit Sub