I have a barebones to which I carefully added a CPU & memory.
Sadly something is wrong.
None of the motherboard controlled fans spin. I can hear the power
supply & HD spining. I get nothing out on the monitor and no beep
codes from the BIOS to say there is a problem.
The barebones is wired up exactly as it came out of the factory and
everything including video are onboard.
Everything I can check has been double checked. Wired up as per the
manual. FAT32 HD works in another system as does floppy, memory sticks
and CD drives.
I put in a 'new' CPU that I am told was tested working before I got
it. (perhaps this is the problem??)
If I press the reset button I can hear the HD restart whiring but
thats all.
I can use the electronic switch at the front to switch the power on
and off and when if goes off both the case and cpu fans move (jerk)
very slightly but that is all.
I removed the CPU and memory to see if the machine would post without
them but it seems not.
Even without a CPU in wouldn't at least the case fan spin (controlled
from mobo)?
Any ideas?
I was told the barebones was new when I bought it but am not so sure
now as the seller let slip via his last e.mail he had flashed the
Main Question is: Will a motherboard boot at least to BIOS without
memory or CPU?
Sadly something is wrong.
None of the motherboard controlled fans spin. I can hear the power
supply & HD spining. I get nothing out on the monitor and no beep
codes from the BIOS to say there is a problem.
The barebones is wired up exactly as it came out of the factory and
everything including video are onboard.
Everything I can check has been double checked. Wired up as per the
manual. FAT32 HD works in another system as does floppy, memory sticks
and CD drives.
I put in a 'new' CPU that I am told was tested working before I got
it. (perhaps this is the problem??)
If I press the reset button I can hear the HD restart whiring but
thats all.
I can use the electronic switch at the front to switch the power on
and off and when if goes off both the case and cpu fans move (jerk)
very slightly but that is all.
I removed the CPU and memory to see if the machine would post without
them but it seems not.
Even without a CPU in wouldn't at least the case fan spin (controlled
from mobo)?
Any ideas?
I was told the barebones was new when I bought it but am not so sure
now as the seller let slip via his last e.mail he had flashed the
Main Question is: Will a motherboard boot at least to BIOS without
memory or CPU?