Is this Mac file a virus?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bible John
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From: "Bible John" <[email protected]>

| Some are saying that this file is a virus. Virus experts what do you say?

< snip >

Why did you have to Multi-Post an already Cross-Posted question ?

No, it is NOT !
Bible John said:
Some are saying that this file is a virus. Virus experts what do you

**** off, Diaper Boy. The only thing viral about that file is your
attempt to get people to listen to your bullshit.
'John' wrote:
| Some are saying that this file is a virus. Virus experts what do you say?
| Its really only a WAVE audio file generated on a Apple Mac.

Since you posted through an anonymizer I guess you don't hold with bearing
witness and prefer to hide your light under a bushel basket.

Phil Weldon

| Some are saying that this file is a virus. Virus experts what do you say?
| Its really only a WAVE audio file generated on a Apple Mac.
| John
| --
| Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death,
| but the gift of God is eternal life
| in Christ Jesus our Lord.
| CERM-Church Education Resource Ministries
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Bible John said:
Some are saying that this file is a virus. Virus experts what do you say?

I say Christianity is a viral meme.

And not a very interesting one at that.