Is this fair at work practice?

Jul 20, 2007
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Our company have launced a new product, and they are going to give Full Time staff a free product each.

However, the permanent Part time staff are not going to get anything.

Does this amount to discrimination of some sort or what?

I was totally angry when heard this

Obviously, cant discuss company name and product

My plan is to email CEO personally and make my feelings known
do u have a company trade union? If so get in touch with it to see advice.

I think it is up to the company what incentives they give up and who to. I think they would be looking for minimal loss here and perhaps it is too expensive and not wortwhile to give out an inventive to part time employees. I would take it up with the big boss too.

Let him/her know how you are feeling and explain you feel left out, upset and dismayed at being left out.
To the best of my knowledge the company are perfectly within their rights to have taken that action.
BourneSupreme said:
I will write to the main man, even if it is just to express my feelings

Good for you :thumb: I wasn't saying I agree with them, btw, just pointing out the legalities.

Something like this:

'You may not know me you jumped-up never-come-down son of a bat's droppings but I'm one of the lowly minions who toil for a pittance so you can entertain untold mistresses in your Yacht off of the Cayman Islands.

'As such, I think you are bang out of order dishing out freebies to those full-time leeches in production who barely do an honest day's work anyway.

'You have entirely overlooked my good self, a loyal hard working and trusted employee who contributes much to this company of yours.

'I mean, come on, I help you out, do I not, so the least you can do is bung a freebie my way, you tight git.

'If you don't cross my palm with some bunce you will forever be blighted with bad luck and a strange swelling every sixth week where you least expect it.'

Yours faithfully, etc etc

That ought to do the trick :)
Write it in real blood as that will show em you mean business .

oh if you want to use Flopps letter

I don't reccomend writing your name on the bottom!
Write if you feel that strongly about it, but try and make sure you remain positive. i.e. "I feel that incentivising the part time staff also would be beneficial to the company" etc etc.
Do as floppybootstomp states.:lol:

You may of course get a free long holiday if you sign your name at the bottom of the letter!;)
thanks folks

BTW, i can't get in trouble for emailing the CEO...

hope there's no daft rule at work about something like this
BourneSupreme said:
thanks folks

BTW, i can't get in trouble for emailing the CEO...

hope there's no daft rule at work about something like this

no rules against
but be diplomatic about the situation

don't issue a personal vandetta against him or the company.