Is this all for nothing?

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Even if linux is really taking over (big if), then you can write .NET apps
with Mono.

BTW, as someone who uses both Linux and Windows, it's insane to think that
Windows is going to be totally replaced by Linux. MS has a lot of money and
a lot of intelligence, and can drop prices, and do all sorts of other things
to compete. It's funny to listen to thye fringe element of Linux advocates
say that MS is losing in the server market. Remember something, just b/c MS
made much of its money in the OS market, it hasn't been competing in the
SERVER market for very long. 15 years ago there was No MS market share in
the Server market. There is now and a quite sizable one at that. Hardly
what I'd call attrition.

Also, think about product loyalty. I'm in no way equating MS with AOL. but
AOL had an absolutely ghastly product and customer service. However, they
were there first and many people learned with AOL and never wanted to
change...change is often slow. So it took 12 years before an arrogant
company with a terrible product finally started to get smacked around in the
market place. By all rights, AOL should have been out of business 8 or 9
years ago, but people don't like change and like familiarity. Considering
MS is a customer focused company (I've heard all the anti-MS crap out there,
but the fact of the matter is that they do innovate and do listen to
consumer feedback, and they do please their customers - See Bill Gates' bank
account for proof of this) and by and large has good products, a few really
great ones, and a dedicated userbase...... They aren't going anywhere but

That's why by and large, the world cares a lot more about Longhorn than RH9,
and until Linux gets a following on non-techies, that isn't going to change
much. Besides, way too many linux advocates hate everyone in the world and
think everyone else is an idiot. Check out Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy sometime.
A guy can be a heart surgeon, but b/c he has Outlook express on his machine,
some little 22 year old who works at Blockbuster and spends all his time
recompiling his 3:33t Linux Kernel will treat him like he's a fool. Linux
would have a much larger market segment already if it weren't for a good
part of it's user base.

So don't worry, if you learn .NET really well, you'll be employed!